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1st Mate

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Initially Posted - 05/08/2006 :  08:42:52  Show Profile
I need to drop my mast to inspect the rigging, so I thought I'd ask the following before I start:
1) On my Cat-22, I made a gin pole that enabled me to easily raise & lower my mast by myself. Has anyone done this with a -25?

2) At the masthead, I have a line running from the rear of the head to the stern of the boat. (No, it's not the wire backstay) What is this line for? It's an old line, should I replace it?

3) The steaming light is inop, and I thought about replacing it while I have the mast down - any recommendations on upgrades?

4) I need to replace a couple of T-bolts - any tips on brans, sizes, suppliers, etc?

5) Anyone have a reference to Loos guage settings for my rig?

Thanks for your good counsel!

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/08/2006 :  09:06:28  Show Profile
"Gin pole... Has anyone done this with a 25?"

Indeed... typically in the form of an 'A-Frame'. There are lots of threads out on the forum that will turn up in a search. Others will now doubt respond here in a few minutes!

"I have a line running from the rear of the head to the stern of the boat"

Do you have an adjustable backstay? If not, maybe that was a PO's attempt to provide that functionality. It's not a topping lift is it?

"The steaming light..."

You might get a combination Steamer/Foredeck light... you may need to do additional wiring for that tho.

"T-bolts - any tips on brands, sizes, suppliers, etc"

Catalina Direct has 'em. (Step 1 get their C25 'bible', best money you'll spend on a C25 aside from buying the boat itself).

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/08/2006 :  21:21:11  Show Profile  Visit Douglas's Homepage
Change the steaming light to a combo steaming and deck spotlight . Change the mast head sheaves to large sheaves for rope line and toss the wire halyards . Install a topping lift . Install lazzy jacks . Change the mast head light to a tri color light .

Check the tech section for jin pole ideas. I made a triangle arangment from metal electrical conduit . Worked great .

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/08/2006 :  21:58:22  Show Profile  Visit Champipple's Homepage
loose guage - is why:

1. Initially the boat was rigged with two different guage wires. It just so happened that the two guages were the ones that required two separate loose tensioners....Not a lot of guys bought both if any...
2 - over the years the rigging has been replaced. I have all one guage that is larger than anything Frank Butler put in...The same is the case for many. The different guages make it hard to transfer the numbers. I'm running into trouble with this as I am trying to get someone to create a rigging and tuning guide for the C-25.

Your best bet is to sight the mast, make sure its even. Check the tensions and make sure they are equivalent. Sail her and make sure the tip doesn't tail off on the upwind legs...


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