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Initially Posted - 05/03/2006 :  15:03:03  Show Profile
Hey Guys,

It looks like my wire halyards are starting to fray. I have heard that people have been replacing them with all-rope halyards. Is this a good idea? If so, what size rope is normally used?


-Dave C25

1979 Catalina 25 "Pretty Penny" #1166
Palm Bay, Florida

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Rich G

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Response Posted - 05/03/2006 :  15:06:58  Show Profile
I just replaced mine with the 5/16 spectra core that I got from CD. If I had it to do over again, I would have not have gotten the spectra core (I don't race), and I would have bought it from my marina.

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Response Posted - 05/03/2006 :  15:09:26  Show Profile

I don't race either.(although I sort of felt like it when I got caught out in 20 knts winds gusting to 30knts this past weekend!) I'm just going to get some low-stretch rope from a boat supply place, nothing fancy. Thanks for the measurement. 5/16" it is.


Edited by - DaveC25 on 05/03/2006 15:10:00
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Buzz Maring
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Response Posted - 05/03/2006 :  15:45:11  Show Profile
Hold on, Dave ... it's not quite that simple to switch to all-rope halyards. I've not yet done it myself, but I know that those who've changed also had to change out their masthead sheaves.

I wish I could tell you more, but I'm out of airspeed & ideas ... if I were you, I'd wait a bit and let some others respond so you can get a better idea of all that's involved.

'Just a thought, before you part with your hard-earned boat units!

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/03/2006 :  18:50:59  Show Profile

Buzz is right...Depending on the sheave style in your masthead, you may or may not have to replace them to convert from wire rope to all rope halyards.

When I converted to all rope halyards, I was able to reuse my original masthead sheaves because they could accomodate the larger diameter (5/16") rope halyard (My sheaves look like the one on the far right in the picture). I also had to install additional spacers/dividers between the port and starboard sheaves (external halyards) to prevent the rope from jumping the sheave since it sits a lot higher on the sheave whereas the wire rope sat down low inside the wire groove.

I've seen some wire sheaves that are quite narrow and could only accomodate the smaller diameter wire rope so before replacing your halyards, take a peak in the masthead to ensure that your sheaves will work with the rope and that they are in good condition (ie...not chipped or broken).

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 05/03/2006 :  22:06:49  Show Profile
Don's right (as always)... My original sheaves were 1/4" inside width. CD supposedly has the replacement sheaves for 5/16" all-rope halyards. Make sure they're the same diameter (1-7/8" on mine) so the lines don't chafe on the masthead casting. I got custom sheaves from Bellpat Marine, but from what others have reported, that might not be an option any more.

I'll add that if you have a roller furling rig like mine, where the jib halyard hoists the upper swivel and holds it all season, high-tech (low stretch) rope is a good idea, because you don't want the whole furling system to "settle" over time. I got CD's halyards, and found them to have virtually zero stretch.

Edited by - Dave Bristle on 05/03/2006 22:11:35
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Rich G

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Response Posted - 05/03/2006 :  23:11:38  Show Profile
Yes, it's true and I forgot to mention the sheaves that came in the CD kit. They have apparently corrected whatever problem was occuring with them because they just popped right in and fit perfectly. I think Bellpat marine in a done deal, or at least they're not bothering with requests for the sheaves anymore because I could NOT get a hold of them.

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Response Posted - 05/04/2006 :  13:15:34  Show Profile
Okay guys, thanks for the tips. I will check the sheaves to see. I believe they are the original ones, which would make then 1979 standard rig sheaves. I'll have to measure to see what they are.

Do you think that any pulley that is the same diameter and width that allows the 5/16 rope would work? Or is there something else I'm missing? I do not have a roller furler, and my halyards are "external" (not inside the mast).

Thanks again,


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Trust Me
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Response Posted - 05/04/2006 :  14:49:16  Show Profile
Dave: It sounds like your are going to make the switch from wire to rope. One last question. Will you want to bring any of those halyards back to the cockpit anytime in the near future?. If so ...check the length of the halyard you are buying and you might want to put a little extra length into them instead of buying new again.

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Response Posted - 05/08/2006 :  20:48:59  Show Profile
I changed my wire halyards this off season to 5/16" sta set x and new sheeves from CD Direct. It was a piece of cake and took just minutes to due. (I already had the mast down for storage.) I am very happy with my decision to do this. I run my halyards to the cockpit so I got 75' for both jib and main. Bought the rope from an outfit in Milwaukee over the internet. In retrospect it would have been the same price just to buy the whole kit from CD. BTW, no problems with the sheeve fit from CD Direct on my 1985 standard rig.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/08/2006 :  21:15:22  Show Profile  Visit Douglas's Homepage

Catalina Direct can fill you in on everything you need. It's quite easy .

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