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This weekend I did a deck inspection and found that the latch to the anchor compartment is broken. I need to use a strong fingernail to get the hatch open. I have looked for the part at CD, but no dice. Two questions: Does anyone have a recommendation for replacing that latch? If the anchor compartment is not latched is there a chance it may come open while under sail?
I purchased an exact duplicate latch at our local chandlery... I think it was branded 'Seadog'.
If you look through the West Marine (or other) catalogs you'll probably find one. IMHO: The factory engineering on the locker leaves something to be desired. Even with the stock latch working properly, if you stick the bow into a wave you can lose it. (too weak)
I have an 83 cat and the anchor locker lock (zamak) has been fried since I've owned the boat. I have been looking for a replacement part on and off these many years. I just googled marine hardware and went blind looking at suppliers of the world market in marine hardware. NADA. Hasn't flipped open, yet.
Should you come across a replacement please let me know. I'll do the same.
How about replacing the stock anchor locker latch with a stainless steel barrel bolt? I'm still using the original, or an exact replacement, but I have no special fondness for it.
Cd does list an anchor locker lock #1287 @12.75 But no picture to determine if it is an exact replacement product. As you point out it must lay flat. Defender, WM, Jamestown, nada.
I replaced mine with the latch shown here. The holes lined up okay but the rounded end of the hasp was about 1/8' too long and it touched the toe rail. Had the end shaved flat and now it lays flat.
Cate, the anchor locker latch I got from Catalina Direct is, in fact, a DIRECT REPLACEMENT for the original. Fact is, I only had to replace the sliding half - the slide had been broken off.
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by tinob</i> <br />I have an 83 cat and the anchor locker lock (zamak) has been fried since I've owned the boat...Hasn't flipped open, yet.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Neither has mine...One of these days I'll remember to replace it.
got mine at boaters world. i think it was a little longer but, covered all the holes that i didn't use, which i think were in the lid. paid about $6.00. stainless. probably plated but, is about two tears old and looks brand new
dave holtgrave 5722 sk/tr sailing carlyle lake in southern illinois
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Fantasy II</i> <br />Cate, the anchor locker latch I got from Catalina Direct is, in fact, a DIRECT REPLACEMENT for the original. Fact is, I only had to replace the sliding half - the slide had been broken off. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Ahh. Good to know the CD anchor locker latch fits perfectly. I ordered one yesterday- $13.00. It's worth knowing I won't have to drill or fill any new holes. The slider on my old latch was plastic so it's understandable how it broke. The replacement latch has a metal slider so I expect it won't break easily. Now I just have to watch out for that little knob on the slider. Here is the new latch:
Thanks for the link Cate. Ours seems to be intact, but I believe it should have a spring in it. The slide just flops around. Ours is off currently while we're painting the deck and I'm going to experiment before replacing it. I'm glad to know where to get a replacement though.
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by PamC</i> <br />Thanks for the link Cate. Ours seems to be intact, but I believe it should have a spring in it. The slide just flops around. Ours is off currently while we're painting the deck and I'm going to experiment before replacing it. I'm glad to know where to get a replacement though. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">
Pam, I'll let you know if the new latch has a spring when I get it.
I just replaced mine with one from CD. Of course I cleaned out the anchor well right before this picture and smeared a great big thumprint on the new clasp :)
Seems like the original was a bad idea--mine is stuck, too. (But the locker has never flown open and the anchor has never flown out and hooked me as I was approaching an inlet where I ended up swinging around and bashing against the rocks...) I recently bought a chromed-brass barrel bolt to replace it, figuring that'd be less likely to jam.
Yep, I gave mine a good looking over last night and since it's open on the end where I thought a spring<i> should</i> go I guess it's not meant to have one. I guess that means mine is as good as new! For what that's worth...
Anchor locker latch arrived yesterday...Good news it's cast bronze chrome plated not like the cromed Zamak of the original equipment. This one might outlast me.
To follow up on my original post...I received the new anchor locker bolt from CD and installed it this past weekend. Unlike many of the projects I have done on my C-25, this one was simple, inexpensive and went well from beginning to end. The new bolt fit the old drill holes perfectly and it has a nice solid contsruction. Small victory at sea.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.