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 Any Catalina owners in San Diego....
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1st Mate

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Initially Posted - 04/29/2006 :  09:59:28  Show Profile
...who could take my son and I out, May 10th or 11th? I am a Catalina 25 owner in the North Seattle area and would trade for a day out in the Puget Sound.

Please email me if interested.

Josh Hansen

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Response Posted - 04/30/2006 :  01:42:53  Show Profile
I'd be glad to have you and your son along sailing. I actually live in Hemet, about 2 hours drive north of San Diego. I just spent Friday evening and ALL day Saturday sailing out on the Pacific. Fantastic day.
Always enjoy having others along to enjoy the day.

Whoops!! It was midnight when I read your request. Looked at the calendar and realized May 10, 11 is mid-week. I cannot do this as I teach high school chemistry but if you are around for Friday night, Saturday or Sunday, either weekend before or after those dates, I'd be happy to sail.
Maybe Jim or Mike of Fleet 7 might be able to sail mid-week as they live close by their boats.

email me at gnorgan3 at msn dot com

Edited by - gnorgan on 04/30/2006 10:14:39
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Response Posted - 05/01/2006 :  22:03:26  Show Profile
Hey, Mike!! You around for the 10/11 of May to give these northerners some southern sailing hospitality?

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Response Posted - 05/01/2006 :  22:50:39  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Looked at the calendar and realized May 10, 11 is mid-week. I cannot do this as I teach high school chemistry but <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

"But" indeed!!! What am I thinking?? I haven't had a sick day, a discretionary day, etc., for over 2.5 years!! And that was to drive to a cardiologist appointment. When I have had a fever or felt sick, I've gone in anyway.....and the kids, even though they are really cool and wonderful, won't miss me for one day. Alright!!
Now to see if I can find an available substitute for one of those days.
Unless, of course, Mike wants to do this? Or Jim? Or Mike and Jim could come along, too!! What say you, Mike and Jim? A Fleet 7 Cruize mid-week?

Edited by - gnorgan on 05/01/2006 22:58:22
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Frank Hopper
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Response Posted - 05/02/2006 :  07:52:34  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
Gary, I am sure that you have personal business days, use one. I did last week to take a short trip, it is what they are for. Since you do not use subs often I would offer this advise. Make up a test for the students. Subs will give tests but they do little else. Students usually take tests serious enough that they will stay on task for the hour. Make it open book so they cannot claim they are not prepared.
Go sailing.

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Past Commodore

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Response Posted - 05/02/2006 :  16:07:24  Show Profile  Visit JimB517's Homepage
I can meet you either day at L dock at Marina Village at 4:30 PM for an afternoon and evening of sailing. Or both days for that matter as I sail every day after work....

james.baumgart "at"


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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 05/02/2006 :  17:46:33  Show Profile
That would be awesome, 4:30 is perfect! If it's alright with you let's plan on going out on the 10th, and save the 11th as a back-up. Do you have extra life jackets or should I bring some, it will be me and my 5yr old son (he has some experience sailing)?

I hope I get a chance to repay you whenever you are in Seattle.

Is this okay with you?

Thank you both so much for responding to my call for fun in San Diego.


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Response Posted - 05/02/2006 :  23:35:58  Show Profile
Absolutely okay with me. And you'll be sailing with the official association commodore!!

Frank, you do make a valid point. Hadn't considered (remembered comes to mind as a better word) discretionary days / personal days....and I have never used one of those and our union bargained for, and got, these days.

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Past Commodore

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Response Posted - 05/04/2006 :  23:26:59  Show Profile  Visit JimB517's Homepage
Life jackets are not needed I have plenty of jackets, harness type and belt type for kids and adults. Sweater or jacket would be a good idea.

Please email me or phone for directions.

We'll see you May 10, 4:30 PM. Its Marina Village in Mission Bay (NOT San Diego Bay).

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Response Posted - 05/05/2006 :  09:53:38  Show Profile
Hi Guys,

Sorry I haven't responded before now by my schedule is day to day right now. I would be glad take you guys out on the 11th, but it would have between 11:00 and 3:00. My boat is also in Mission Bay near Jim's(Ok, it's in the slip next to Jim's boat).

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Past Commodore

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Response Posted - 05/05/2006 :  11:56:18  Show Profile  Visit JimB517's Homepage
I'm going to have to make it either 5:00 on the 10th or 4:30 on the 11th. I have a very important meeting scheduled for the 10th from 3 to 4:30.

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