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Is it possible that the C-25 masthead sheave and the C-25 deck organizer sheaves are - or could be - the same size?
I ordered from Catalina Direct a set of two deck organizer sheaves ($33.95) and a masthead sheave ($39.95) and received 3 identical sheaves. Because the masthead sheave is more expensive than two of the deck organizer sheaves, I expected it to be larger or somehow different. Haven't gotten an answer from CD yet but wondered if anyone else might know.
My guy's ready to climb the mast to install the masthead sheave but I don't want to send him up there with the wrong item.
My masthead sheaves (for external halyards) are 1-7/8" diameter. The width depends on whether you have wire-to-rope or all-rope halyards. If all rope, then the width of the groove can be the same as on the organizers, based on the halyard size. If wire, the groove will be 1/4" (inside). Also, my clevis pins for the masthead sheaves are 5/16". Good luck to your mast-monkey!
Thanks Dave. Yeah, I forgot to mention that I have internal halyards. Still haven't heard back from CD yet but all 3 of the sheaves they sent are 1-7/8" so I guess the third one must be the masthead sheave.
Wonder why it would cost $6 more by itself than two of them cost for the deck organizer.
Oh well. If I learn anything different from CD, I'll post it here.
Turns out CD's masthead sheave is NOT the same size as the deck organizer sheaves...they had sent me the wrong one by mistake. Of course, the one I need is on backorder.
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