The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
I have a nearly brand new IdaSailor hi performance rudder for a C25 that I don't need any more. Lifetime warranty, solid material: no rot possible $200 plus shipping.
Also: too many genoas! I have a well used Hood mylar 155 (flown in the 2005 Nationals). Paid $300 last summer (sailmaker's evaluation), will sell for $200, plus shipping.
Also have a Waagmeester (Banks) 150 that is a 1991 sail, 6.5 oz. recut in 2003....still in great shape; wins races....for sale for $225 plus shipping, or a lighter weight (4.5 oz.?) dacron 153 sail for $200. Lots of use left in all these items...
Gary Bruner s/v Encore! #685 SK/SR 360 687 2048 in Washington State
Gary, I have an'83 catalina with a damaged rudder that I'd like to replace. It has two pintles and another fellow selling a balanced rudder here shows three. The three won't do for me. How is your rudder configured? Any pictures?
I do not have a digital camera, nor the expertise to send photos. Ida Sailor has a website that shows this rudder that is deeper but has less "chord" depth than the original. It has 2 pintles: 3/8 inch, I am pretty sure. It exactly fits the gudgeons on the transom of my '78 Catalina. I "think" it would match right up. I could measure the distance between them, if you would like....
This rudder is GREAT in light stuff, motoring or if you reef when cruising....but, frankly, in HEAVY air racing, (I was in 20+ knots with full main and a 135) it does not have the "bite" of a standard rudder. I thought it might since it IS deeper in the water. I had the other rudder and don't need two.....
I am interested in buying the rudder from you if Val has chosen not to. Can you please give me your contact info so we can further work out the details? My email address is Thanks!
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.