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 2002 Honda 8hp XLShaft $990
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Sloop Smitten
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Initially Posted - 04/05/2006 :  14:37:05  Show Profile
In Virginia - sounds like a steal gid=73277064408.16

Joe Wergers
Fleet 7/Oceanside, CA
78 C25 FK/SR #381

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Captain Bill

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Response Posted - 04/05/2006 :  20:17:19  Show Profile
Thanks Joe,

I've been looking for a replacement for my mid 90s Honda 9.9. Do you think I'd notice the difference in power or thrust? I sail mainly on the Pamlico River with occasional ventures to the Sound. If the weather is not to my liking I stay put. I think I would only need thrust getting into or out of my slip.

Thanks, Bill

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Sloop Smitten
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Response Posted - 04/07/2006 :  09:57:36  Show Profile
I use the 8hp model and it has more power than I need. I can achieve hull speed at a little above half throttle. The 9.9 might be a bit better in a current but if that is not much of a concern I would not hesitate to go with the 8hp. Especially at that price

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Arlyn Stewart
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Response Posted - 04/07/2006 :  13:26:55  Show Profile  Visit Arlyn Stewart's Homepage
Intersting that it was claimed to be bought for $1,900. I think I paid $2,200 and was aware of several who paid around $2,500 for those motors... this one is a very good buy at under $1,000 with only a few hours on it.

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Captain Bill

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Response Posted - 04/08/2006 :  09:23:17  Show Profile
Thanks to all who replied. I've contacted others who share the same opinions regarding the Honda 8. All highly recommend it for the C-25. I've contacted the owner by email and hopefully will work out a deal soon. Thanks again, Bill

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 04/10/2006 :  22:28:05  Show Profile
Yup--the 8 is more than you need, and the 9.9 is the same engine with a higher-rpm peak HP, which means nothing to us. That price makes me suspicious that it was dunked or something... If it sounds too good to be true, it usually isn't. Be careful.

Edited by - Dave Bristle on 04/10/2006 22:28:59
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Captain Bill

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Response Posted - 04/11/2006 :  20:30:44  Show Profile
I'm not sure what the status of the "deal" is. Seller hasn't responded to my recent emails. I'm going to have to call him although I wanted to wait until after tax season April 17th when I'll have more time. Really haven't thought there was any hint of a problem with the motor. It's a 2002 model. I guess I can check the oil color and possibly even get him to crank it up using a garbage can full of water if necessary. Maybe do a compression check. Some of the reviews for earlier models (2001)have expressed concern about difficulty on a cold start. Anything else I can check b/4 I buy?

Thanks, Bill

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Captain Bill

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Response Posted - 04/12/2006 :  22:03:41  Show Profile
Hi everyone:
Made an offer today subject to my inspection, of course. Wish me luck. I'll keep you posted. Bill

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southern cross

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Response Posted - 04/12/2006 :  22:30:02  Show Profile
I tried to find the specs on this engine online as I too contacted the seller. It seems that this motor (being an x-tra long shaft) weighs just over 100 lbs. That sounds very heavy to me. I guess if you don't plan on taking her off it would be fine. It sounds like a good deal but I think I will go with the Tohatsu 6hp 4 stroke. I think this will be enough for me and at 54 lbs. I don't need any help moving it around.

Good luck Bill, it is after all a very nice engine.

Puravida, Zach

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Captain Bill

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Response Posted - 04/13/2006 :  12:24:08  Show Profile
Hi Zack,

You're right about the weight. I would need an new mount for this motor also. I don't plan on taking it off except if necessary for repair, so the extra weight shouldn't be a big problem. I haven't heard from the seller yet, so it may already be sold.
I could probably get buy with my existing motor (9.9 Honda) except the Admiral thinks it's too loud and not reliable. It makes her newvous so a newer, quiter motor may make sailing a lot more peaceful!


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southern cross

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Response Posted - 04/13/2006 :  18:31:11  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by Captain Bill</i>
<br />Hi Zack,

You're right about the weight. I would need an new mount for this motor also. I don't plan on taking it off except if necessary for repair, so the extra weight shouldn't be a big problem. I haven't heard from the seller yet, so it may already be sold.
I could probably get buy with my existing motor (9.9 Honda) except the Admiral thinks it's too loud and not reliable. It makes her newvous so a newer, quiter motor may make sailing a lot more peaceful!

<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

I hear ya on the noise issue. I got an e-mail back from that serge guy yesterday (like I said I called him about it last week, I just think it ight be a bit too heavy for my taste, plus I do not want to have to replace my mount), he said he had some people interested in it and wanted to know that I could send him an official check to secure it. Don't worry, I am not buying (although it is a steal if everything is kosher with it). He said he had some other interest (I assume that it was you), I guess that means it is still for sale. If i was you I would call him instead of e-mail, just to make sure it doesn't get sld out from under you.
I see you are a fellow NC sailor. Nothing like being able to sail pretty much 12 months a year.
I have decided to buy the Tohatsu 6hp 4 stroke for 1300 from online outboards. From what I gather from others it will push the boat at hull speed, and obvioulsy I am not fighting in current or tides. Just a little motor bpat wake.
Good luck, the Hoinda seems to be an awesome motor. I hope I have a good experience asa Tohatsu owner. Everyone I have talked to tells me they are an awesome motor as well.


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Captain Bill

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Response Posted - 04/13/2006 :  22:30:37  Show Profile
Hi Zach,

Thanks for the advice. I'll try to call him tomorrow but I don't want to send a check without seeing the motor. If this deal doesn't go through there will be another one later.
This winter weather has really been nice. In December I winterized my motor. It never got very cold around here maybe one week of cold (below 32). I have missed some beautiful sailing days and then our tax season started and the weather stayed mild so I've missed out on a lot of sailing.
Hope to make up for lost time soon but that may depend on when or if I get another motor.
Do you sail Lake Norman? I've always been told that's really a nice lake.
I'll let you know what I hear from Serge.


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southern cross

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Response Posted - 04/14/2006 :  12:38:35  Show Profile
I do sail on Lake Norman. I keep my boat at The Sailing Club on the lake. Races every wednesday night and they are usually over by 7pm for a leisure sail afterwards or beer drinking with friends at the dock. Lake Norman is a nice lake to sail on, there are a good bit of us out there. There are also a lot of motor boats (for some reason everyone has to have a 30+ foot speed boat with tru hull exhaust and throws a 2-3 foot wake). Mucho napoleon complexes, I guess.
Anyways, good luck on the motor a I am sure will talk again.

The difference between a motor guy and a sail boat guy. A motor boat pulls up beside a sail boat and the motor boat guy says, "hey man, where are you going?" and the sailor looks at him and says," I am already there."


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Captain Bill

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Response Posted - 04/15/2006 :  10:12:26  Show Profile
Hi Zach,

Sounds like Lake Norman is an ideal place for sailing. Our lakes around here are so crowded with power and ski boats that it's dangerous for sailing. More than one sail boat has been chopped in half by a ski boat driver looking back at the person sking rather than the sail boat in front of him.
It's a beautiful day here for sailing, 89 degrees forecast and I'm here in the office. Something's definately wrong with this picture! Just wait til next week, I'll begin my boat cleaning projects, then enjoy the spring sailing season.

Still no word from Serge, guess I'll call him sometime today.


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Captain Bill

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Response Posted - 04/19/2006 :  18:55:25  Show Profile
Offer was accepted. Pictures looked like new. Will crank it up before deal is final. Scheduled to pick it up on the 29th. Thanks for your suggestions and thanks to Joe for the heads-up on this one Now, just need to order that 4-spring mount!

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