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<font size="2"> <font face="Comic Sans MS"> Could some one or a few of you who own Capri 25’s give me a history of the boat? Who designed it, when it was designed, how many were made and anything else you feel is pertinent. I am putting together the Mainsheet magazine pages and want to write about the Capri’s joining the association. Please hurry as my deadline is looming. Post you answers here or e-mail me. Thank you.
[url=""]John Gisondi[/url] Mainsheet Contributing Editor C25/C250 National Association
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Most Capri 25's were manufactured in 1980 and 1981. Other production runs were made in 1983 and 1988, Tough Cookie and a few others are from '83, the rest of the fleet are mostly '80s and '81s. The '86 and '88 models have flush windows, that's the only difference. The boat was Designed By Frank Butler Length Overall 24'-7' Waterline Length 19'-2' Beam 9'-2" Draft 4'-2" Displacement 2785lbs Ballast, Lead 900lbs Sail Area, masthead 276sq. ft. I 30.75' J 9.83' P 26.50' E 9.50'L 1/4 mile time 12.46sec.
Prior to production two prototype Capri 25's were tested for two years to make sure of the correct placement of sailing hardware and gear.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.