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Nokomis - Depth Sounder
I have installed a depth sounder, Model X25B Lowrance with the, shoot thru the hull transducer, which has a diameter of 1 1/4 inches. The install of the transducer is a topic which has many different approaches. The one we chose is similar to one published in Cruising World. A common PVC 1 1/2" plumbing cleanout with cap was attached using marine adhesive to the inside of the hull and allowed to cure. The cleanout cap had a slot cut into it to allow the wire to come out and then approx. 1 oz. of mineral oil (because it doesn't generate air
bubbles easily where automotive oils can foam,) was placed in the cleanout. The transducer is then screwed into the cleanout. Removal of the transducer is as simple as unscrewing the cap, and if you want to leave the transducer in over winter in cold climate you do not have to worry about water freezing around the
transducer and separating it from the hull.