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Russ Johnson

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695 Posts

Initially Posted - 11/18/2024 :  21:38:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Please consider this an invitation from the Officers and Staff of the Catalina-25/250 and Capri-25 International Association to become a member of the Association.

The requirements and benefits of membership can be viewed by clicking "Bylaws & Constitution" on the left.

To join, click Join in the upper right corner of the screen.

Being a member of the Forum gets you access to a lot of technical data and assistance with your ownership of a Catalina 25/250 or Capri 25, but, it does not provide the benefits of membership in the Association as outlined in the Bylaws. One of the greatest benefits is the subscription to the quarterly magazine "MAINSHEET". This publication contains more technical information in one issue than most monthly sailing magazines do in an entire year. MAINSHEET articles are well written by the very same expert sailors who frequent the Forums on a daily basis, providing help, suggestions and sailing experiences. Their knowledge contributes greatly to the persons looking for a boat or just getting started with one as well as those of us who have been sailing for sometime.

PLEASE consider becoming a memjavascript:bold();ber and by all means if their are points you wish to discuss please contact one of the Officers or Staff. They can be located by clicking "Flag Line & Staff" on the left. Finally, members and membership are very important to the Association, they provide the resources to maintain the website, pay the MAINSHEET subscriptions and fund objectives of the Association. Your membership will help to continue the Objectives of the Association and provide ongoing support. Thank you and WELCOME.

Russ Johnson, Commodore 2009-2024 (commodore at
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