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Initially Posted - 07/20/2024 :  17:34:50  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hello! Looking for recommendations on where to buy a new mainsail for my Catalina 250. Does anyone have experience with The Sail Store or South East Asia Sails?
Thank you!

Donna Prunier

Steve Milby
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Response Posted - 07/20/2024 :  19:19:01  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There's a brand new Catalina factory made mainsail for sale on the C25/250 facebook forum for $1000. It sounds like a steal! I'll try to connect you with him.

Steve Milby J/24 "Captiva Wind"
previously C&C 35, Cal 25, C25 TR/FK, C22
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Response Posted - 07/21/2024 :  03:51:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I purchased new sails from Catalina Direct several years ago. I have been very happy with the sails. They have a sale on sails every fall for spring delivery if you can wait that long. This probably isn't the cheapest option but good quality North brand sails.

Amber Waves
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Response Posted - 07/21/2024 :  05:42:20  Show Profile  Visit DavidCrosby's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I have purchased a main from Precision. My friend with a Hunter 260 purchased a jib from Precision and then upgraded to a Catalina 320 and purchased both main and jib from Precision. I am very pleased with the construction of all of the sails I have seen from them. My main is now four years old - still very pleased with it.

David Crosby "Small World"
'02 C250 WK #614
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Response Posted - 07/21/2024 :  07:44:08  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote
1) I would check our archives going back eons to gain info if there is any collective experience regarding the sailmakers you mentioned.
2) Since sails are really of interest to all, recommend pose your question in the General Forum to attract more responders and possibly some that have purchased sails from the sailmakers you mentioned.
3) As long as I have been on this Forum almost everyone (with a few exceptions) loves the sails they purchased and in many cases, that may have been their one time buying experience.
4) You need to assess your personal need/interest for buying sails because it is different for each individual - Do you sail frequently like 2-3 times a week, 2-3 times a month or less frequently? Do you race? Do you sail only in very light breezes or oftentimes in moderate and sometimes very windy conditions? The more you sail, chances are the more times sails may be subjected to adverse wind conditions? Are you mostly interested in low cost Dacron sails for ocassional sailing or willing to spend more for Dacron sails that are less prone to stretch/being blown out due to frequent use in moderate wind conditions and/or occasional adverse wind conditions?
4) Many of the postings I have read on this Forum, individuals have or purchased sails from other sailmakers than the ones you mentioned and while some may have purchased from the sailmakers you mentioned, I just do not recall those postings.
5) Sail costs are mainly driven by if the sails are standard stock/mail order vs custom sized (not necessarily needed) if a reputable, highly respected sailmaker, the specific Dacron sailcloth brand and grade being used (since Dacron comes in varying weave densities, strengths and vulnerability to stretch even though almost all Dacron grades last a long time while stretched or not).
6) The sailmakers you mentioned say little regarding sailcloth grades and what they use when quoting sail costs, though, one does mention using Challenge High Modulus cloth. Some sailmakers provide a lot of info regarding what they make their sails out of and….well takes a lot of research and so most go with their gut based on what others experiences have been..but bear in mind that their sailing and preferences may differ from your own. There can also be a benefit if dealing with a sailmaker that can assess your sail needs based on the type of sailing you do , frequency and their familiarity with the waters/region you sail. But that then gets away from sailmakers that are simply mail order with little interface from the customer. It again has to do with your desires and cost considerations.

I bought Quantum Sails many years ago. They were not standard stock sails but actually came down and took measurements and asked my preferences. They made the sails out of Challenge High Aspect sailcloth which at the time was the next to best Challenge Sailcloth and much less prone to stretching versus their lowest grade sailcloth…which at the time was called Performance”. High Modulus was next, then High Aspect. Marblehead was the best and most expensive cloth made by Challenge and believe it still is made by Challenge. My sails have held up well considering they are used frequently and sometimes in adverse wind conditions. Getting the most out of a tack was important to me since I am on a river and with tide affects, sometimes light wind, going up or down the river can be tough unless getting the most out of a tack as close to the wind direction as possible. My sails are now relatively old but have not stretched that much . Also, I am located further down river now where the river is much wider and so close tacking not as important for me now…..and I do not race. However, I may soon buy new sails. I may go thru the research again…or may just go with quantum again since I have had long term good experiences. So, what was/is important to me is not the same for each of us. Those that race have their preferences and for many, the cost is the bottom line. So, give this consideration for what is important to you before you make a final decision.

Anyway, just be aware that less cost generally means less expensive sailcloth material. That may be fine and the way to go if you only sail in light to moderate breezes and do not sail frequently.

'89 Robin's Nest#5820, Potomac River/Quantico, Va

Edited by - OLarryR on 07/21/2024 08:10:33
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Response Posted - 07/21/2024 :  13:00:31  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I just noticed that The Sail Store is selling sails from or the same as FX Sails. I believe there are some on this Forum/Bulletin Board that have purchased FX Sails. You may find past postings by searching for the past years. Also, if you post your original question on the General Forum, indicate The Sail Store/FX Sails. The other sailmaker you mentioned has very generic info regarding what sailcloth their sails are made from, however, it is possible that discussions with them regarding your frequency and conditions that you sail, they then would probably specifymore clearly what sailcloth they are proposing for your purchase. I do not recall anyone that bought their sails, so no knowledge regarding their reputation. FX sails, I do recall many years ago, some that had purchased those sails but cannot recall the postings. The Sail Store/FX Sails website does provide some sailcloth details when you click on sails they offer for Catalina. I did see Challenge High Modulus sailcloth mentioned.

Others have most commonly mentioned sails purchased from Catalina Direct, Ullman, North, Doyle, Quantum with the last 3 generally being the most expensive. There are a few others also mentioned including Rolly Tasker and a few local sailmakers.

One thing I noticed doing some checking on this today, is that the choice of sailcloth has become perhaps even more complicated than in the past. Challenge, a main supplier of sailcloth, has changed the names and offerings of most of their Dacron sailcloths but some of the sailmakers are still using the Challenge Dacron names that many would be familiar with from a few years or so ago. So, nowadays, may be best to discuss your preferences, sailing frequency, wind conditions, etc with 2-3 sailmakers and evaluate their offerings and discussion details and any past experiences those on the Forum may offer.

'89 Robin's Nest#5820, Potomac River/Quantico, Va

Edited by - OLarryR on 07/21/2024 13:03:43
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