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 Masthead light wire stuck?
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Initially Posted - 03/14/2024 :  18:48:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Pulled my mast in order to do a number of maintenance tasks, figured I'd start with replacing the lights and wiring since it seemed pretty straightforward. However, I'm running into a problem that I can't seem to find any comments on. I can't get the masthead light wire out. There is absolutely no give in the wire when pulled from the bottom of the mast.

I have the extender off and what was apparently a pigtail broke off when I tried to use the old wire to pull the new wire up, so it's not tied off externally on anything at the masthead.

While it doesn't have to come out, I can run a fish tape to pull the new wire, I'd prefer not to have anything extraneous hanging around inside the mast. Any ideas what is going on?

Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 03/14/2024 :  22:01:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I might posit a few scenarios that I’ve seen in the past and have read about.
The wire might be stuck at the steaming light, or the white light 1/2-way up the mast. If you have already disconnected that, then try these other approaches.
Sometimes the wire insulation will get snagged or pierced by an errant screw that’s sunk into the mast, either by the spreaders, or the winch base, or near the tangs that secure the shrouds and stays. In this case, you’ll have to loosen or remove all the screws in the mast.
Other times, a length of the insulation touches the inside of the mast, and with the sun’s heating of the gray aluminum over the years, the plastic will stick to the inside of the mast. The sticky part can go for several feet and be quite difficult to dislodge.
In this case, try to force a thin flat stick between the wire and the inside of the mast. But you’d need a pretty long stick like several yardsticks taped together end to end.
I’d suggest getting 60ft of stiff wire and doubling it over and passing it down the mast to try to dislodge the cable.
If nothing works, you can always use the stiff wire to pull a new 4-conductor cable through. I’m guessing the original was 14-4 stranded wire. That would support LED mast lighting just fine. Don’t forget your masthead VHF aerial. That takes special boaty coaxial cable, not just regular cable TV RG-6.
Good luck!

Bruce Ross
Passage ~ SR-FK ~ C25 #5032

Port Captain — Milford, CT
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Response Posted - 03/23/2024 :  07:20:34  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have this book called Sailors Secrets/ Michael Badham. In it is suggests not to use screws, to use rivets. #10 or 3/16 inch.
The screws might tear the wire.
just a suggestion.

Candlewood Lake, Ct
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Leon Sisson
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Response Posted - 04/04/2024 :  06:57:22  Show Profile  Visit Leon Sisson's Homepage  Reply with Quote
When I rewired my standard length Catalina 25 mast, I added thin wall PVC conduit pop-riveted to the mast beside the luff grove to separate the wiring from internal halyards. The details are described in Don Casey's books. I mention that because if you're going that way, then you might be able to temporarily slide the new pipe over the stuck wire to either dislodge it, or at least help figure out where and why it's stuck. If you need more specific info on installing mast wiring conduit in a C25 after reading Don Casey, let me know.

— Leon Sisson
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Response Posted - 05/20/2024 :  17:18:06  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I rewired and had some difficulty until I removed the spreader bolts and compression tube.

Dave B. aboard Pearl
1982 TR/SK/Trad. #3399
Lake Erie/Florida Panhandle
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