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 Water Tank Removal
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Go Slo

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Initially Posted - 04/18/2022 :  17:29:26  Show Profile
Has anyone ever removed the freshwater tank under the starboard settee? Mines is full of floating gunk (even after a good bleaching) and it is difficult to get all of it out through he access whole in the top. Figures it may be easier to just pull the tank to clean it. Any thoughts?

"GO Slo" 1989 Catalina 25 SR/WK standard interior

Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/18/2022 :  18:11:34  Show Profile
yep... I completely removed mine 11 years ago... I use the area for storage. I use two gallon jugs to the left of the companionway in there fine on my boat.

I'm sorry it was so long ago I just don't remember much of the details.

there it is in the bottom of this shot... 2011

But yes I could see putting in a new tank, or pulling it and cleaning it.

Ray in Atlanta, Ga.
"Lee Key" '84 Catalina 25
Standard Rig / Fin Keel
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Go Slo

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Response Posted - 04/18/2022 :  18:45:20  Show Profile
Thanks! Was it difficult to remove? Mines does not look like it is glassed in, but the way it is positions I cannot really see the back side.

"GO Slo" 1989 Catalina 25 SR/WK standard interior
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Leon Sisson
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Response Posted - 04/18/2022 :  21:33:58  Show Profile  Visit Leon Sisson's Homepage
I removed my water tank many years ago.  As I vaguely recall, I might have had to knock out some glued in blocking in order to maneuver the old tank out.  I probably still have the undamaged original 1979 C25/27 fresh water tank if anyone needs it.
I replaced original water tank with a similar capacity one mounted further fwd to make room for a couple group 27/GC2 size batteries under the aft portion of the stbd settee.  (Also relocated the head sink thru-hull fwd to make room for the new tank.)

— Leon Sisson
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Response Posted - 04/19/2022 :  19:33:39  Show Profile
<< Was it difficult to remove? >>

Well ya know, that was what I was saying.. I can't really remember much other than I remember that feeling of "Damn.. that was hell to get out" but that is just a vague memory. One mans damn might be anothers "yep ... that's what it takes."

I think There was some breaking out some glassed in blocks and then there was probably a Jenga moment where you had to turn the tank just the right way to get it to angle out...

Hey..I'm not gonna lie to ya just about any project I've done on the boat was difficult.. it's the nature of the space..always an awkward position..

Im sorry I can't be more help... Didn't anybody Else out there remove their water tank.. Or clean it ???


Ray in Atlanta, Ga.
"Lee Key" '84 Catalina 25
Standard Rig / Fin Keel
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Steve Milby
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Response Posted - 04/19/2022 :  19:48:21  Show Profile
I don't remember how much access there is to the original water tank, but you might be able to find a bladder that will fit inside the existing tank. Here's a link to one that's 13 gallon that might be usable, although you'd probably lose a little volume. At least it would be clean.

Steve Milby J/24 "Captiva Wind"
previously C&C 35, Cal 25, C25 TR/FK, C22
Past Commodore
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Go Slo

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Response Posted - 04/20/2022 :  19:00:01  Show Profile

"GO Slo" 1989 Catalina 25 SR/WK standard interior
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Response Posted - 04/20/2022 :  22:32:03  Show Profile
I removed my tank a couple of years ago. I don't remember any blocks glued to it - I think it was just sitting in the space between two plywood/fiberglass bulkheads made to hold it in. On mine the locker under that settee is covered by 2 pieces of plywood, one hinged and one secured by screws. I removed both of those and removed all the hoses from the tank. Then I was able to slide the tank aft just enough so that the fittings on the forward end of the tank could clear the plywood bulkhead. Then I lifted the forward end of the tank clear of the bulkhead, and that left enough space to pull the tank out at an angle since the aft end is partially under the quarterberth. I was prepared to cut the bulkhead in front of the tank but that turned out not to be necessary. I probably just cut the hose coming from the aft end of the tank - I remember thinking that I'll have to attach that hose to the tank fitting before putting a new tank back in that spot since the battery tub makes access difficult.

Kav Eldredge
1990 TR/WK #6001 "Ocean Liner"
Birmingham, AL
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/21/2022 :  04:38:32  Show Profile
WOW... That was an answer! Thank you Kav for taking the time to show and tell..

really shows it well!


Ray in Atlanta, Ga.
"Lee Key" '84 Catalina 25
Standard Rig / Fin Keel
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/21/2022 :  15:51:31  Show Profile
Catalina must have done some redesigning of the water tank area cuz mine doesn't look anything like AUAE's photo above. My tank looks like your going to need a sawzall to get it out. There is a fiberglass cross member that crosses over the top of the tank. Aft of the tank is a plywood?/glassed bulkhead that seperates the tank from the battery area. I guess its just more differences between model years.

Battery area aft of the warer tank

Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/21/2022 :  22:23:28  Show Profile
Scott, that’s a definite built-in, never-gonna-get-it-out water tank! Holy crap!

On Passage, my battery compartment is one thing and the settee and area beneath the seat is yet another. My tank touches the forward bulkhead and nearly fits within the whole compartment with a little space aft of the tank for the hose fittings.

I guess each boat model year was built a little differently. Good luck with your project.

Bruce Ross
Passage ~ SR-FK ~ C25 #5032

Port Captain — Milford, CT

Edited by - Voyager on 04/23/2022 19:57:50
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/23/2022 :  19:58:23  Show Profile
My water tank feeds my head and I use bottled water for "potable" drink and cleaning. Can't imagine the hassle to remove the tank based on configuration.

Peter Bigelow
C-25 TR/FK #2092 Limerick
Rowayton, Ct
Port Captain: Rowayton/Norwalk/Darien CT
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Response Posted - 04/24/2022 :  12:50:31  Show Profile
Scott - that's interesting. On mine the seat back is offset from the hull, so it needs the plywood lid to extend into the cabin to make the seat deep enough. Is it a model year difference or a dinette vs. traditional difference? I could see how the dinette config might need the starboard settee to fit tighter to the hull since there's less open floor space.

Kav Eldredge
1990 TR/WK #6001 "Ocean Liner"
Birmingham, AL
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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 05/05/2022 :  14:55:40  Show Profile
To OP: I recently did just what you described. The way my tank was installed, it came out without any cutting or modifications. I was then able to wash it out completely, and reinstall it with all new hoses and taps. I still keep bottled water aboard, but now I feel good about washing dishes, etc. Hopefully yours isn't configured like Scott's.

Steven 1984 C-25 SR/SK
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Response Posted - 07/05/2022 :  13:03:05  Show Profile
My setup is exactly like Scott's Impulse - I did cut out the plywood bulkhead but left 2" on the bottom and left side; it was enough to remove the tank but enough left to reattach a portion of the bulkhead for my new water pump setup. Once I had the tank outside, I cut a large hole in the top for a round access port which was installed with some stainless hardware and life seal. We don't drink that water (yet, maybe if we run out of the big bottles we fill) but I scrubbed the tank out keep the new fresh water treated just in case. Its great for washing up. Good luck!

Darren Larama
1980 C25 TR/SK #2128 "Gratitude"
Everett, WA
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 07/06/2022 :  07:52:33  Show Profile
Id like to add that we don't drink the tank water but what I do is add 2 cups of nice smelling bleach to the tank and then fill it. My tank stays clean and I've done this with all the boats I have owned through the years and never had an algae problem.

Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound

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