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Little Wind
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Initially Posted - 03/27/2025 :  05:25:57  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am trying to research both Arlyn Stewart's Soft Link and installing an outboard motor mount (this link,tohatsu%22) but the photos aren't available any longer.
Is there a way to view these or are there newer threads (or YouTube videos) so I can see some of the options?s

My past Honda 9.9 (1996 version) was able to turn enough to follow the rudder angle most of the time. My new Tohatsu has a larger cowling and controls and won't move at all. This really hampers my ability to maneuver in and out of my slip.


Little Wind
1996 C250WB #206

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Response Posted - 03/27/2025 :  06:09:34  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Photos are usually linked to the originator's URL that is posted somewhere on the internet probably via their boat website they established, in this case, eons ago. If that website is eventually canceled, then the photos are probably no longer available unless someone made a copy of them and posted them elsewhere.

There is one other possibility to find the photos, but it is probably gone as well if it ever was placed in the "Technical Tips" link located on the left side of this Forum screen. Go to the 250 tips and click on viewing all the tips. I would also take a look at the "Members Area" in case anything exists there.

I do recall some discussion(s) and what others did on their boats regarding motor mounts on C250s but it was a long time ago and not sure if it was exactly related to your concern. Only suggestion is to try different keyword searches which you probably have already tried. Maybe just try "Motor Mount" set for going back eons.

'89 Robin's Nest#5820, Potomac River/Quantico, Va

Edited by - OLarryR on 03/27/2025 06:10:07
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Response Posted - 03/28/2025 :  15:16:46  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I have some of his stuff on my computer that I wanted to keep for reference including some of the pictures. I considered the softlink as well but never implemented it. I have a motor standoff bracket that makes it unworkable (and I wouldn't trade the bracket for anything!) I have a couple pictures and just put them on google drive here: It may or may not be what you are looking for. Anyone with the link should be able to access it.

2004 250WB #781
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Little Wind
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Response Posted - 03/28/2025 :  16:36:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Thanks for these photos!
Could you post a pic of your motor standoff bracket too please?
You can see the difference in the body of the two 8hp engines. This is similar to what I ran into... my early 9.9 Honda had that smaller cowling and my Tohatsu 9.9 has that bulbous cowling that just doesn't allow me to turn it where it is mounted to the stern. I'm considering a fixed standoff (I don't know if that will allow me to raise/tilt the outboard out of the water while sailing or docked) or a spring loaded, multi-position mount (that may put the motor too far down and too far out).


Little Wind
1996 C250WB #206
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Russ Johnson

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Response Posted - 03/30/2025 :  06:51:44  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Larry is correct.
The Technical Tips on the left menu is a resource.
Also the Photo Gallery on the left menu has photos posted from members.

Note, the Members Area allows posting of photos, which can be linked to forum posts or published to the Photo Gallery.
These photos are hosted on this website and not from an external website.
The Members Area has several steps and is time consuming.

Russ Johnson, Commodore 2009-2025 (commodore at

Edited by - Commodore on 03/30/2025 06:57:37
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Response Posted - 03/31/2025 :  10:31:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
This link should let you view it. :-)

2004 250WB #781
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Little Wind
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Response Posted - 03/31/2025 :  12:40:26  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
So does that standoff allow you to tilt up the outboard to get the prop/foot out of the water? Without seeing it in "action" I can't envision it.
Also, what manufacturer produces that standoff? I know of the Panther Marine 55-0028 fixed mount but not what's in your photo.


Little Wind
1996 C250WB #206
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Response Posted - 03/31/2025 :  12:58:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes it comes completely out of the water just fine but it is a bit of a reach to get it lifted up. I have no idea who made it but I think it might have been offered from the factory as an option.

2004 250WB #781
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