The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
This is a call for officer nominations for the Catalina-25/250 and Capri-25 International Association. Our association holds an election every two years for all officer positions. To serve as a officer: You must be a paid member of the association. You must be an owner of any of these Catalina models (Catalina-25, Catalina-250, or Capri-25)
The nominations are now open and will end on Nov-30. Self-nominations are encouraged. If you are interested in an officer position, you can reply to the post or send me an email directly. Also, if you have any questions, you can also send me an email.
Russ Johnson, Commodore 2009-2025 (commodore at
Here are the current officers and their 2022 election status
Officer Position: Commodore: Russ Johnson - willing to serve for another 2-years Vice Commodore: Sam Bruce - willing to serve for another 2-years Secretary: Seth Martin - willing to serve for another 2-years Treasurer: Open (Russ Johnson acting Treasurer) Chief Measurer: Open Capri 25 Measurer: Open
Russ Johnson, Commodore 2009-2025 (commodore at
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.