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I have a cover that is raised by the spinnaker halyard and covers the jib when the jib is not in use. When I trailer the boat, I leave the cover on the jib, coil up the jib halyards and release the pin under the roller furling drum. I use bungee cords to attach the jib to the mast after it has been lowered for trailing. I rap a spare halyard aroung the covered jib and mast while trailering for additional safety. This saves many steps when you take down and set up.
I also had special bag made so I never have to take the boom off the deck when I am preparing to trail the boat. I leave the sail on the boom and in the sail cover. I simply release the top main sheet block from the boom, remove the slugs from the mast track with the sail carefully stacked and bungeed to the boom. I fold the sail cover back over the stacked boom and tie it off. I release the rigid vang from mast with the bolt and wing nut, shorten the vang with a stopper knot and fold it back under the boom. I use the vang halyard to tie it off against the boom. I spread the boom bag out on the deck and release pin on the gooseneck. I set the entire package on the bag and then zip up the bag and slide it over against the rail standards. When I designed the bag, I had rings attached to the bag that correspond the spacing of the rail standards and I lock the bag to the rails with a cable and lock while the boat is on the trailer. I attach all pins, bolts on the boom and mast so they do not get lost.
Later,the set up is very quick and easy because you just reverse the process after raising the mast. My sails never leave the mast and boom until I put the boat away for the winter.
Sounds like you have it down pat. Whats your jib cover and boom bag made of? I keep my main on the boom as well and struggle to stow it below, I like your idea for storage. Do you have any pictures of your boom bag you could post?
Hi Tom; Both the jib cover and the boom bag are made of Sunbrella. The jib cover is a Catalina item and the bag I had made out of the same material by a local shop. I will try to post a picture of the bag in the next couple of days.
Yep, having the jib & furler still attached to the mast saves a lot of time (we found this weekend) I like the idea of the jib sock and baggy for the main on boom. Hope you post pics soon.
I have always left the jib on its furler and the mainsail on the boom when trailering. With the boom disconnected as Robert describes and the sail cover wrapped around everything, we stow it below in the forward berth. It only takes a minute to put it away or to get it out from below and it is fully protected.
We also do not support the furled jib in any way other than bungee-cording it to the mast. Some of the contributors to this forum have shared their clever and elaborate furler support systems but I think this is overkill. I have noticed that the tightly wrapped jib sail provides a fair amount of cushioning and stiffness to the furler and prevents the furler foil from being damaged when it is strapped to the mast. So taking the jib off the furler for trailering actually invites damage. (So I guess the more elaborate support systems really do have their use in protecting a bare foil.) However simpler is better: just leave the jib on the furler. It will substantially reduce set-up/take-down time and protect the foil. What's not to like?
Sorry for not posting the pictures but I am recovering from surgery and did not have the patience to deal with my reluctant computer. I had some kind of problem with AOL and I had to run a debug program.
My boom bag is made out of blue Sunbrella and it is 11 and one half feet long. When it is zipped it is 16 inches at the narrow end and 19 inches at the wider end. When the zippers are open the envelope is 32 inches at the narrow end and 38 inches at the wide end. There are two zippers that begin at the fold and they zip toward the middle so they allow you to lock them together. The tie down rings are spaced according to the rail spacing and they are attached to the envelope by web straps that have been sewn to it.
I will post some pictures when I figure out how to post them.
Robert, I recently purchased a Garhauer rigid boom vang and I have a few questions. How did you modify the goose neck on the boom to keep it from rotating? You mention that you fold it against the boom when stowing, I assume you fold it forward as the fittings won't allow it to fold back, how far does it extend beyond the gooseneck of the boom? Also, do you have pictures of your boom bag you stow it on deck in? Any other tips on installation would be appreciated, thanks.
Charlie; I locked the rotation of the goose neck by taking it off the boom and taking it to a welder and having the pin welded in position. I tried to drill and pin the center pin of the goose neck but it never worked out. I fold the rigid vang by folding it back under the boom. To do this I hook the eyelet of block to the bolt that usually holds the vang to the mast bracket and I compress the vang and tie it off so it can't expand. I am going sailing tomorrow so I will check my bracket. Sorry, I can send pictures. Shutterfly brings down my old laptop. I will get back to you. Robert
I will take some close up pictures today and send them to Paul for posting. My description of the folding method was cut short because my son and his family were evacuating Houston and got sent down a highway in SE Texas for which they did not have maps. I was guiding them from California using my Map Source software and a cell phone(when we could get a cell). It worked! Robert
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.