The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
There's some very sexy hulls winking at me..."come and take a look, make an offer" they are whispering in their low soft sulkey feet are starting to ignore my brain......
STOP....they are on lake Champlain.....that'll be $8000 for trucking please, or a year long mission up the St. Lawrence seaway...or, there is a canal that connects the bottom of the lake to the Hudson. Does anyone know how long/wide/tall a boat will go through here, and then down the Hudson to NYC....anyone ever done that, or can someone reccomend a cruising guide?
Oscar, That would be the Champlain Canal running from the Southern end of Lake Champlain to the Hudson River in Albany. It is part of the New York State Canal System. Can probably handle anything you would want to sail/motor down it. You must have flown over the Hudson River, very big and very deep from New York to Albany. I'm sure there are websites sponsered by New York State that could tell you everything you needed to know....Good Luck... "Bear" Upstate N.Y. C250 WB
The Erie canal is part of the system. From Waterford down the Hudson you would be following the same route we did. Actually, the canals (Champlain and Erie) meet up in Waterford - which was a very fun place to spend a couple of days!
The mast will have to come down until you are South of Waterford. There are plentiful marinas on both ends of the canals that have gin poles and specialize in stepping and unstepping your mast. Allow about a day for this at each end. One friend we had shipped their mast to the marina south of Waterford. Everyone else carried theirs on deck (making for some 40 footers becoming 65 foot long boats).
Go to West Marine and buy <b>Skipper Bob's </b>guide to the Great Circle route. It covers EVERYTHING about where to go, dock, tie up, eat, get fuel, canal restrictions (height, width, depth), how much it costs, etc. This guide will take you from where you bought the boat, to home, to Florida, and beyond.
The trip home would be FUN and you can sail the Atlantic from NYC to Deleware Bay or go inside like we did.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.