The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
Hi everyone, What a difference a couple of weeks makes. Two weeks ago I was in France makining an impact on the local supply of wine. Now I am in Sarasota floating Windy Joy at Marina Jacks. Raising the mast is easy but connecting the roller furling was not possible until the Highly Educated Vision of Beauty (my wife) came by and offered a hand. Just as soon as I got under the bridge on the way to the marina a storm passed by. Well actually it came and stayed. The sadistic of the group will enjoy the fact that the first time my wife is on the boat we get caught in a storm. It is possible to motor into a slip in 30 knot winds. Not easy but possible. She has graciously asked to be informed when the fun begins. She is taking lessons next week. I can tell you, because I dare not tell her, that I enjoyed every minute.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.