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 2002 Catalina 250wk Tour
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Initially Posted - 08/24/2023 :  09:51:48  Show Profile  Visit DavidCrosby's Homepage
I have posted a video on YouTube of a tour of my 2002 C250wk. This shows modifications I have done, etc. I am interested in comments on any organizational ideas that people may have.

First lesson learned is to turn the phone on its side when creating videos for YouTube. Oh well!

David Crosby "Small World"
'02 C250 WK #614

Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 08/24/2023 :  10:40:14  Show Profile
You've done a great job with all your upgrades on this boat! I toured it in 2010 when the prior owner had it for sale at Naval Research Lab. I believe that he mentioned that you had just seen it and he thought you were going to make an offer on it and drive it halfway across the country. Since I had seen another C250 near me, I bought that one instead.

Before I even watched the video I thought, "I wonder what he did with that that terrible location and shoddy wire splicing for the electric panel?" You did a great job fixing that!

Rick S., Swarthmore, PA
PO of Take Five, 1998 Catalina 250WK #348 (relocated to Baltimore's Inner Harbor)
New owner of 2001 Catalina 34MkII #1535 Breakin' Away (at Rock Hall Landing Marina)
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Response Posted - 08/26/2023 :  06:58:45  Show Profile
Great video! Thanks for sharing. It's given me some super ideas on what can be done to the C250. So far, i use mine only for day sailing. Need to plan an overnight / weekend adventure and address some of the mod's that you've done

Rick 1999 C250 WK, Cape Cod
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Response Posted - 08/26/2023 :  12:00:36  Show Profile
Some clever stuff there! I especially like the "disappearing table" trick--sliding it up to the ceiling forward of the post. If Catalina still made the 250, they could've benefited from this video!

Dave Bristle
Association "Port Captain" for Mystic/Stonington CT
PO of 1985 C-25 SR/FK #5032 Passage, USCG "sixpack" (expired),
Now on Eastern 27 $+!nkp*+ Sarge
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 09/01/2023 :  15:16:57  Show Profile

Really like the boat enriching modifications, additions and functionalities.

1) Having a pop-top with clear forward vision is absolutely brilliant on cold rainy and windy periods. It is beautifully executed. This is a modification to follow...

2)Only once you have seen daylight in the aft berth through the coaming ports does one appreciate how nicely it extends livability in that area plus makes the cabin space seem much larger.

3) Nothing like swinging or detaching the companion steps out-of-the-way will open access to the aft berth... this is a simple and effective modification and a plus for the wing keel over the water ballast model.

4) Providing an additional shelf in the galley is very practical and looks great.

David... my hat off to you... well done

Henk & Johanna
"Floating", a few off your "barnacles".
"Someday Lady" '95 C250WB #151 ('03 - 2016)
"Sea ya" 30ft Bayliner (04-2018 - 09-2018)
"Mariah" '96 C250WB #191 (05-2019 - 15-05-2023)
"Lady J" '00 C250WK #499 (05-2021 - 09-2022)
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 09/02/2023 :  09:49:31  Show Profile

Forgot to mention the small but important improvements and updates like having window curtains (some come factory installed) hangers in the head, adequate 12v and 110volt power supply and outlets and other improvements.

Oh... we so miss our boat but goodness for the memories

Henk & Johanna
"Floating", a few off your "barnacles".
"Someday Lady" '95 C250WB #151 ('03 - 2016)
"Sea ya" 30ft Bayliner (04-2018 - 09-2018)
"Mariah" '96 C250WB #191 (05-2019 - 15-05-2023)
"Lady J" '00 C250WK #499 (05-2021 - 09-2022)
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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 10/10/2023 :  11:43:02  Show Profile
Thank you for the walkthrough. Lots of good ideas for us to try on our C-250.
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