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Initially Posted - 08/24/2022 :  14:14:27  Show Profile
The original port-a-potty disintegrated into a pile of plastic. I found the replacement, purchased from CD, to be less than inspiring. So, I dug deep, and purchased the Cadillac of composting heads: Natures Head.

It is a tight fit, but just enough room to spin the handle on the side and to tilt back the top. Overall, the throne sits a bit high but very sturdy. I did install the vent hose, from the unit to a mushroom vent on the cabin top. In hind sight, this may have not been needed. As a weekend warrior, it is not used enough to really matter. 2 people, 2 weeks, that would be a different story. No smell, no problems so far. I did have to figure out the best ratio of water to coconut coir, as you don't want it too dry or too wet. I installed a simple toggle switch for the muffin fan, as I understand, it will dry out the mixture if it runs continuously in a less humid environment. In general, I leave it running (it draws very little power) as I have a solar powered vent in the cabin top, and I don't want it to draw air backwards down the toilet vent and into the cabin. The spray bottle with some vinegar works great for 'clean up'. With just day sailing use so far, no need to dump either tank until haul out time.

"Frayed Knot" 1989 C-25 WK/SR #5878

Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 08/24/2022 :  19:30:35  Show Profile

Dave Bristle
Association "Port Captain" for Mystic/Stonington CT
PO of 1985 C-25 SR/FK #5032 Passage, USCG "sixpack" (expired),
Now on Eastern 27 $+!nkp*+ Sarge
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Davy J
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 08/25/2022 :  07:11:06  Show Profile
I installed a Natures Head in my Gemini several years ago. We regularly take trips of 30 to 45 days at a time. That's about the time limit for two people, then you need to deal with the solids tank.

The urine tank is a different story. It will need to be dropped at least weekly or you will start to get an odor.

When we started, we used peat moss, but have now switched to coconut noir.

Personally, I think it's been a great addition to the boat. No need to find a pump-out station every week or two. And no holding tank odor.

Plus on a C25, you can remove the holding tank and get much needed storage.

Davy J

2005 Gemini 105Mc
PO 1987 C25 #5509 SR/SK
Tampa Bay
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