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 Weight of a 1997 250 wing keel
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Initially Posted - 05/23/2022 :  15:37:04  Show Profile
I am the new owner of a 1997 Catalina 250 Wing Keel, #299. The club winch has a weight limit of 5,000 pounds and the listed weight is 4,200 pounds. In theory I should have 800 pounds as a safety margin.

I am assuming the listed weight is "ready to sail" weight to include sails, etc. What I do not know is what is not included. I am not sure if they included the weight of the engine (mine is a 57 pound 5 HP) or the battery (about 40 pounds).

I thought someone may have better info or even weighed their boat.



William H. Snow


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Response Posted - 06/14/2022 :  12:03:49  Show Profile
Hello all. I got my 250 MK II Wing Keel with wheel steering weighed. I did it by weighing the boat and trailer and after launching weighing the trailer. The weight of the boat came in at 4,750 pounds. The weight includes the extra weight of the wheel and wheel steering gear, a 55-pound motor, exterior cushions, porta-potty, anchor in locker, and probably another 50 pounds of misc lines. If I took the motor off and got rid of all the miscellaneous stuff it could be as low as 4,600 in its configuration.

William H. Snow
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Response Posted - 06/15/2022 :  20:07:55  Show Profile
Ya, the manufacturer's "dry weight" is very bare--empty tanks, no sails, outboard, anchor, batteries, electronics, or other "stuff". Every boat I've known or heard about was significantly heavier than the manufacturer's spec.

Dave Bristle
Association "Port Captain" for Mystic/Stonington CT
PO of 1985 C-25 SR/FK #5032 Passage, USCG "sixpack" (expired),
Now on Eastern 27 $+!nkp*+ Sarge
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Response Posted - 05/03/2023 :  08:07:34  Show Profile  Visit DavidCrosby's Homepage
I am adding some information to this thread. I recently weighed my truck and trailer/boat. Thought I would share the numbers.

First weigh - truck and trailer hitched together:
  • 2016 Ford F-150 Super Crew Cab, 6.5' bed = 6,100 lbs
  • 2002 C250WK and trailer = 6,240 lbs
  • Total weight = 12,340 lbs

Second weigh - truck and trailer unhitched:
  • 2016 Ford F-150 Super Crew Cab, 6.5' bed = 5,500 lbs
  • 2002 C250WK and trailer = 6,840 lbs
  • Total weight = 12,340 lbs

Tongue weight is 600 lbs.
Trailer weight is unknown at this time.

The boat for this weighing had a Honda 9.9 hanging off the stern, 3 gallons of gas, two 12 volt deep cycle lead acid batteries, sails, cushions, bedding, misc sailing gear, upright portable air conditioner and a microwave. Water and holding tanks were empty.

On a trip, the rig will be heavier. Need to add my wife and I plus whatever we drag along. I imagine when fully loaded with people and gear we will add another 700 - 1,000 pounds.

David Crosby "Small World"
'02 C250 WK #614
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