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I'm looking on Catalina Direct, I see these two rudders that I'm interested in. Does anyone have actual experience with either of these? I am leaning toward the kick-up rudder, but it's hard to imaging that the vertical channel doesn't torque and twist (though the listed info says it is rigid).
Any real world experience appreciated. I can't wait for the season to start, with a new rudder. My Mark 1 original has all of the problems noted on the many rudder related forum discussions.
As a long shot, maybe someone has the Mark II rudder that they would sell me, and I can modify that?
Last year I got the "blue water" kick up one - tiller version. It's heavy duty and performs very well. It's about a foot deeper than my 'short' Gen 3 that came with my '04WB. I don't have round up issues unless a big gust comes through but even then control is great. Works well with the tiller clutch. That said, I sail in a lake so I'm not fighting current or much wave action. I've been out in 15-20 steady but nothing over that.
k3fuller, thank you for the feedback. So that vertical channel on which the tiller mounts doesn't torque and flex? I too am on a lake, 15-20 is pretty normal in the afternoon but usually for 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Other than that 7-12.
The one that came with the boat was ineffective. The boat rounded up, sometime violently, in every puff over 15 mph. If the boat healed past 22 degrees it would loose its grip. Roundups would sometimes lead to some dangerous situations with inexperienced people at the helm.
I then got the HDPE performance rudder. It worked great unit it snapped in half in heavy winds.
Rudder Craft then sent me the blue water performance rudder that kicks up. This work great and now the boat can heal to about 35 degrees before it looses grip. It then round up slowly and control is easily regained.
I have a water ballast boat with swing keel and I think the rudder that came with the boat (3rd generation) was inadequate. My buddy has a fixed keel 250 and his rudder that came from the factory has no performance issues so I think the water ballast design boats are part of the issue.
Perhaps my original rudder had a crappy foil shape and this was the issue. I ended up throwing it out so I cannot check it.
David, K3fuller - thanks for taking the time to reply. I will go with the blue water kick up performance rudder. I tuned the rig last year, eager to have a good rudder to go with it this upcoming season.
No problem. David did a much better explanation than I. The admiral won't let me heel to 35 degrees so I don't know about that, she's not a fan of 20+ Had our first sail Sunday.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.