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 Raising Mast- Furler short by 4 Inches
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Initially Posted - 06/24/2018 :  18:19:15  Show Profile
OK I raised my mast today using the A frame I used to lower it. It went smoothly, only my wife and I. BUT I have an issue. For some reason my furler wont reach back to the chainplate, its short by 4 inches.

I changed my sail but that shouldn't have anything to do with it. I did rebuild the furler. I could have tighted the lower turnbuck too far. Or tighted the c clamp on the bolt with the t bolt too far in?

How to you get it the right length. whats the right method. The mast should have a back rake of 4 Inches so I feel its too short.

I have the CDI Reefer Furler from the original boat. It works well I just had a post showing how I tighted the c clamp on the t bolt to stop the guard from spinning. What are my options to get the furler to fit (extend 3-4 inches).

I went to disassemble to adjust but it wont pull out of the extrusion. It seems tight , i have removed the drum etc. Still wont come off. Can I turn it and unscrew it from the turnbuckle to get it apart? Right now to hold it in place and stretch the 4 inches I tied a bowline to it and tied it tight to the chain plate till I get a fix. Anyone have some advice. How do you adjust the furler to be the right length.

"The Gal-Way" 1985 SR/SK Barnegat Bay, NJ

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Response Posted - 06/25/2018 :  10:54:08  Show Profile
My CDI furler may be different than yours. I can get to the turnbuckle by removing a pin in the extrusion and lifting the spool assembly out of the way. I also have to hold the extrusion or it will drop once that pin is removed. Four inches is lot to be off, are you certain you are attaching the forestay to right fittings at the top and base?

1988 C25 Wing Keel Std Rig Tohatsu 9.9 Tiller Steering and 2003 C250 Wing Keel Std Rig Inboard Diesel Wheel Steering
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Davy J
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Response Posted - 06/25/2018 :  12:34:28  Show Profile
Can't provide any help Captmorgan.

However for anyone trying to help, it appears that he has a CDI Reefer model and not an FF2 or 3,4. They are not the same type of drum/furling housing.

Davy J

2005 Gemini 105Mc
PO 1987 C25 #5509 SR/SK
Tampa Bay
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Response Posted - 06/25/2018 :  13:03:05  Show Profile
This is correct I have the reefer model

"The Gal-Way" 1985 SR/SK Barnegat Bay, NJ

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Happy Sailing - John

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Response Posted - 06/25/2018 :  13:55:47  Show Profile
Originally posted by Captmorgan

This is correct I have the reefer model

I do know its connected tobthe right spot on the masthead. Its the one just below and behind the spin halyard spot.

I did take,out the extrusion pin/Screw. I thought that I reattched it short. So I wanted to adjust. The sail is on. When In in did it. The extrusion slid down. How bad is that?

I also took off the drum,and unscrewed the. Two screws holding the drum assembly tto the aluminumbtube. It is tense and cannot get it off. Can Ispin it off the turnbuckle will that help? Also the furler halyard is about 4,inches from top. I don't,think is makes a difference but ill mention it.

"The Gal-Way" 1985 SR/SK Barnegat Bay, NJ

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Happy Sailing - John

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Davy J
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 06/25/2018 :  15:41:52  Show Profile
I did take,out the extrusion pin/Screw. I thought that I reattched it short. So I wanted to adjust. The sail is on. When In in did it. The extrusion slid down. How bad is that?

Again, don't have any experience with the reefer model, but on the FF models you would need to raise the extrusion to re-install the pin. In any case, I would remove the sail until the rigging is correct then bend the sail.

Davy J

2005 Gemini 105Mc
PO 1987 C25 #5509 SR/SK
Tampa Bay
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Response Posted - 06/25/2018 :  20:48:51  Show Profile
I found one of Frank Hoppers old posts it was helpful.

My main concern is why is it short 3 inches ( got one more inch)

I guess it could be 1.5 inches on each side of the turnbuckle.

is there anyting else that could make the forestay shorter?
Isnt it just a cable from top to bottom. I didnt change anything.

Maybe its just the mast sitting too far back?

"The Gal-Way" 1985 SR/SK Barnegat Bay, NJ

Enjoy Sailing =) Be Safe

Happy Sailing - John

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Edited by - Captmorgan on 06/25/2018 20:49:31
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