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Initially Posted - 06/20/2018 :  09:17:09  Show Profile
I took the boat on a nice long trip from Jacksonville down to St Augustine Florida for a few days. I had to go all the way up the St johns river then make a U turn to head down the intercostal waterway.At points along the trip when the wind was right and we had room we sailed the rest was a motor boat ride. I really wanted to stick my nose outside and make the run up along the coast but the forecast was looking a little rough. I was really impressed with the navionics app for my Chinese knock off tablet, that was a 100 dollars total well spent. The honda 9.9 sure is a work horse and did not miss a beat, at one point on the way home it ran for 8 hours straight. I got caught by one big florida squall line t storm. The waves got pretty large and had straight line winds gusting to 50mph with blinding rain. The bow of the boat went under a few times and took a 30 degree roll to starboard when turning away from the shore line. The channel was only maybe 500 yards wide at this point. I was glad to have the big motor during all this. It was a great trip and the boat performed great.


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Response Posted - 06/20/2018 :  10:36:40  Show Profile
Sounds like a fun trip, glad everything worked out for you.

We moved the boat down the Hudson about 50 miles about a month ago. Was a good trip! Took us about 12 hours, ran the motor most of it because of light and unfavorable winds.

Motorsailing, with the mainsail up to act as a wing, really added quite a few knots to our speed. Barely ran the motor more than idle and made roughly 4-5 knots whenever we were underway.

Used... 2.5 gallons of gas? If that. Very impressed with our old Yamaha 4-stroke 9.9.

Later this summer I'm hoping we can make it down the coast or out to block island.
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Erik Cornelison

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Response Posted - 06/21/2018 :  13:41:15  Show Profile
Can you post some pics?

Erik Cornelison
6th Generation Professional Sailor, First Gen Submarine Sailor.
1986 Standard Rig SW. #5234
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 06/21/2018 :  15:06:44  Show Profile
Good stuff, Joe! A friend gave me a great tip for getting caught at the helm in "blinding" rain (or almost any rain): a swim mask. It changes everything! First of all, you can open your eyes...

Dave Bristle
Association "Port Captain" for Mystic/Stonington CT
PO of 1985 C-25 SR/FK #5032 Passage, USCG "sixpack" (expired),
Now on Eastern 27 $+!nkp*+ Sarge

Edited by - Stinkpotter on 06/21/2018 20:47:58
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Response Posted - 06/22/2018 :  10:20:55  Show Profile

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