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 US Sailing membership discount
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Steve Milby
Past Commodore

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5882 Posts

Initially Posted - 05/01/2018 :  13:30:40  Show Profile
I tried to renew my membership in USSailing this year and their software rejected the discount code that was included in my C25 Association renewal letter. Can we update our USSailing discount code?

Steve Milby J/24 "Captiva Wind"
previously C&C 35, Cal 25, C25 TR/FK, C22
Past Commodore

Russ Johnson

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695 Posts

Response Posted - 05/02/2018 :  10:02:13  Show Profile

Thank you for your message.
We did not renew the US Sailing - Affiliated Organization Membership for 2018.
The minimum contribution for the association is $200.00

The benefit for an individual is a discounted membership from $65 to $55 per year. Since the discount is $10 there doesn't seem to be much value.
Here's a link to the US Sailing website with the affiliated organization details.

There are some topics for discussion.
1) Since our association participated with US Sailing in the past, should we continue to pay to stay in "good standing"?
2) The benefit to our members is small. Should we continue to participate with US Sailing even if we don't see the value?
3) Many large yacht clubs also participate with US Sailing.
Owners who are both yacht club members and C25 association members are "double-covered" and they can't use both US Sailing discounts.

I think the US Sailing participation should be a topic put to a vote during our next association election.

Thanks, Russ

Russ Johnson, Commodore 2009-2024 (commodore at
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