The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
With the variety of mounts in use, can anyone comfortably slip a flush cup over the water intake on an XLS? Its a real pain reaching over from the boarding ladder or reaching it at all from most docks on my Merc. I will happily spring for a new one to make my life safer and easier. I would like to know the brand, model and lift height if anyone has something that works.
Dave B. aboard Pearl 1982 TR/SK/Trad. #3399 Lake Erie/Florida Panhandle
Another solution is to use a bucket. You can get the bucket on over the lower leg with a boat hook then just put a hose in the bucket. Do this with the motor in the up position but not tilted. Attach a line to the bucket handle so the bucket will stay in place.
Scott-"IMPULSE"87'C25/SR/WK/Din.#5688 Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound
That sounds good. Now I just have to find a bucket of manageable size that accommodates my 10" prop that will certainly be a lot cheaper than the !5 1/2" lift bracket i found for $362.
Dave B. aboard Pearl 1982 TR/SK/Trad. #3399 Lake Erie/Florida Panhandle
Dave, If a standard 10gal white bucket won't fit then a rope handle bucket should do. I should mention that after you put the bucket on you lower the engine so the bucket is half submerged. This way the surrounding sea water supports the weight of the bucket with water in it then tie the line to the back rail. Needless to say, Don't put the engine in gear.
Scott-"IMPULSE"87'C25/SR/WK/Din.#5688 Sailing out of Glen Cove,L.I Sound
What about a sizable rectangular plastic storage container that the motor might be able to hold against the transom when partially lowered? Maybe there'd be no big reaching or even tying off--just more fresh water to partially fill it.
Dave Bristle Association "Port Captain" for Mystic/Stonington CT PO of 1985 C-25 SR/FK #5032 Passage, USCG "sixpack" (expired), Now on Eastern 27 $+!nkp*+ Sarge
Greetings I don't have a pic but I used and old metal garbage can that I chained to the motor and mount. I've a 15hp Merc. It worked nicely for testing the motor before going in for the season. Jan
Well, I've been shopping for a 15" diameter bucket and it looks like I can get it in 10 gallons and a 14" in 5 gallons that is marginal in depth. The most suitable things for small boats should have multiple functions instead of just taking up storage space. The 10 gal. bucket with a modified lid could certainly replace my trashcan. I have used garbage cans at home to test run engines, but storing on the boat rules out that and most other containers.
Dave B. aboard Pearl 1982 TR/SK/Trad. #3399 Lake Erie/Florida Panhandle
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.