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One of the things that intimidates me about moving from my trailerable to a larger boat are the "systems" that need to be maintained and repaired. Granted the C25 has less than a 30 footer but I am not mechanically inclined so it does spook me.
This forum really helps with this concern but I also just found a new book in the library that I am really enjoying.
Author: Kroenke, David. Title: Know your boat : the guide to everything that makes your boat work.
I've read Don Casey and others but this guy is really writing to my level of mechanical skills. My wife thought I was nuts last night when she asked what I was reading about and I replied "the differences between a diesel and gasoline marine engine." It seems his goal is to not make you a floating Mr. Goodwrench but rather build confidence.
'Systems' are what motivated me away from my stinkpot. I love the simplicity of my C25. Nothing sucks the fun out of boating like a 'systems' problem. The systems that I hated on my stinkpot were the electrical and the inboard motor/leg. The only potential problem I think about on my C25 is the OB - I've done my own tune-ups and it runs like a top. The great thing about it is, I can take it into the shop when something comes up that I can't fix myself.
I've been reading 'Treacherous Waters' a compilation of exerpts from stories written by sailors who have been 'in the clutch of the sea'. The editor is Tom Lochaas. The common element - other than storms at sea - is the failure of systems and equipment. Books like this have motivated me towards the simplicity model of sailing. My goal is to move up to a larger boat, but before I do so, I want to learn everything I can about the elemental basics of sailing first. The intention being, that when I'm on a bigger boat or in a situation where systems have failed, I will know how to keep the boat moving in the right direction.
John, we are kinda in the same boat! No pun intended. I would kinda lite a larger boat, like a 30+ but havent for some of the same reasons you state. I also like the simplicity of ours, like a tiller vs wheel, outboard vs diesel, porta potty vs flush, etc. But I have been told that sailing a larger boat is simpler than a small one. I recently added autopilot which has been sitting in the box for months due to fear of screwing up install but finally did it with the help of a non sailing friend and we slapped it in. I was surprised. I will check out your book, sounds good. Thanks. And you are right, this is great forum. I am on it all the time. Steve
Great points. Yes - an outboard is simpler than an inboard. I am taking that one step farther. The current boat that has my eye is listed with an older 2 cycle OB. When I think of where to spend the boat units a spiffy new 4 cycle is attractive - reliable, quite, no gas mixing, etc. But am confronted with the same conundrum. The 2 cycles seem to be simpler motors to trouble shoot and service. Maybe stick with the 2 cycle and shove the boat units towards furling - which on the single handing thread seems very popular. Or, as pointed out, throw the 2 cycle in the trunk and take it to a service center and ask them what they think. I know that my 5HP 2 cycle on my Precision just flat out refuses to die.
John, I have friends who have 2 cycle who seem to hae more problems then my 4 stroke. and unless you mix properly I think you are asking for more troubles but I would like to know what others on this forum say. Also new 4stroke gonna be less trouble then old 2 stroke and 4 better for enviroment. I am a green king of guy, thanks to the admiral. Steve
I've had my two-stroke system for 18 years w/o a problem. I toyed with getting a four stroke for the extra fuel mileage and quiet running, but couldn't justify the expense when my old two stroke is still running so well.
I will say that the simplicity of the C25 is a great plus, but then, a larger boat means more expense as well as more "systems" knowledge. The inboard engine, coolng system and drive train (tranmission, drive shaft, stuffing box),would be particularly daunting for me.
I have quit dreaming about a C30/310/320 and look forward to a comfortable retirement (in 4 years) with my C25.
I sold my C25 and bought a C&C 35 about three years ago, and had to learn how to maintain the more complicated systems, and how to operate a boat with a fixed prop, and, fear not - While it's true that you have to undergo a learning process, it's not as bad as you imagine. You can learn how to do simple maintenance by hiring it done, and watching how the yard employee does it, or, you can read the owner's manual, or Good Old Boat magazine, or, you can ask a fellow boater, or, you can ask questions on a sailors' forum. If you know how to change the oil on your car, you can change it on your boat. For most sailors, it's a once-a-year job. I winterize what I am able to do, and let the yard do the rest. The first year of ownership will be the hardest, but it'll get much easier after that.
If you're sailing in an area that justifies a bigger boat, go for it whenever you think you're ready.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.