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 Minutes of 10/8/07 Officers Meeting
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Initially Posted - 10/25/2007 :  09:49:26  Show Profile  Visit Justin's Homepage
Meeting called to order 10-8-2007.
Attendance: Kevin, Mark, Justin, Jim, Bill, Derek

Officers shared short introductions of themselves.

The subject for the remainder of the meeting was what issues or goals we might want to address as officers over the next year or two. Each topic below was only discussed briefly, not with the idea of coming to a resolution, but just to "get it on a list".

There was discussion on the idea of membership options, possibly dropping the Mainsheet magazine subscription due to its high percentage of the association membership fee and low value to C-25/250 owners, or making the mainsheet optional for members.

JB has asked to no longer do the bookkeeping for the association beginning in 2008. Mark took on the task of suggesting an alternative for how we get this done. It was mentioned that we may be able to use Quicken or similar financial software.

We discussed the Nationals race for next year. The officers agreed that they would like to make every effort to welcome the Capri 25s to the nationals. Jim will research the cost of a Capri 25 plaque and report in November his findings.

Bill suggested the we continue to support crusing events and show get togethers with small subsidies, and we have been during the last year.

Bill also renews his suggestion that we consider combining the C22 and C25 nationals in 2009. To be discussed more in future meetings.

Bill suggests we find ways to get the officers and staff out to the fleets more.

Bill suggests we find a way to expedite reimbursement of officer and staff expenses, and that we document the procedure to be used.

Bill asked if it would be possible to allow him to directly update the calendar pages on the web site. Kevin agree to work with him on how he could do that.

It was proposed to change our conference call weekday to the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm CT.

To encourage Capri 25 owners to participate in next year's Nationals race, it was proposed the we might suggest that the club hosting the nationals waive the Capri 25 entry fee, to further encourge participation and welcome them to the event. Since only a few boats are expected, the association could consider funding the Capri 25 entry fees this year. It was agreed that this will be further discussed in November’s meeting.

The meeting was adjourned.

The next meeting will be held on Tuesday November 13, 2007.

Previous Owner of Sapphire Breeze - 1982 Catalina 25 SK/SR
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Former Mainsheet C250 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 10/25/2007 :  11:06:57  Show Profile  Visit delliottg's Homepage
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">JB has asked to no longer do the bookkeeping for the association beginning in 2008. Mark took on the task of suggesting an alternative for how we get this done. It was mentioned that we may be able to use <i><b>Quicken or similar financial software</b></i>.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

I have access to the Microsoft Company Store & can get MS Money at a substantial discount to retail for the Association if this would be helpful.

I just checked the price, MS Money Premium 2007 is $25 plus shipping.

Let me know if this would be useful.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 10/25/2007 :  12:16:46  Show Profile  Visit Champipple's Homepage
I believe the association already has quicken!

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Frank Hopper
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Response Posted - 10/25/2007 :  12:25:59  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
Quick Books

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Response Posted - 10/25/2007 :  22:03:48  Show Profile
Thanks David. I'll pass it along to Mark, who is working with JB on options.


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