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 Any word from Fleet 7 and the other So Cal members
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Doug C.

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Initially Posted - 10/23/2007 :  10:42:31  Show Profile
A little concerned about Gary and Jim with so many fires in those areas. Anybody in touch with them?


Doug & Mo Cavin
1990 C25 TR/WK #6010

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Dave Bristle
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  11:41:58  Show Profile
I was about to ask the same thing... They might be a little "busy" to be following the forums right now. Hope everything's OK, but it sounds terrible.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  11:47:59  Show Profile
Jim B's home appears to fall rather closely between the mandatory evacuation areas for the Witch Creek fire to his south and the Rice Canyon fire to his northwest.

Edited by - dlucier on 10/23/2007 12:03:50
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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  12:17:21  Show Profile
Here's the county's official evacuation map as of 5:30 AM PDT this morning... (Red=fire, purple=mandatory evacuation)

Edited by - Dave Bristle on 10/23/2007 12:33:09
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Former Mainsheet C250 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  14:05:03  Show Profile  Visit delliottg's Homepage
From looking at the map, their boats are OK for the time being, but I don't know where they live.

The Harris fire is about six miles from my parents house, and the evacuation zone about 4.5. The Witch fire is about 10 miles away. I just talked to my sister in El Cajon, she's got a bag packed and in the car for immediate evacuation if necessary, she plans to go to Qualcomm Stadium if they have to go. Her husband is standing by to help evacuate Sharps Hospital in Chula Vista.

I'm concerned that the two fires could meet roughly at Alpine, and burn through the El Cajon valley (El Cajon means "the box" or "the coffin", and it's in a box canyon). The Santa Ana winds howl through the canyon, my sister said it was particularly frightening last night. They were watching the rim of fire creep closer over Mt Miguel. This morning it's mostly smoke, but you couldn't see the fire at that distance during the day anyway.

Crossing my fingers & hoping for the best...

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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  14:05:04  Show Profile
I think that Jim works for the SD sheriffs dept too, at least I got an email from there once. If so he is doubly buzy with his own and everyone elses problems. Here is my best wishes for all those down there too.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  15:16:11  Show Profile
It is a very bad situation for a lot of people down in San Diego. The only bright spot I can see is that there have only been a couple lives lost so far despite the scope of the evacuations and destruction.

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  16:59:06  Show Profile
Jim is a systems manager for the COSD Sherriffs... but no doubt everyone is a little (meaning <i>lot</i>) busier than usual now.

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Former Mainsheet C250 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  17:36:11  Show Profile  Visit delliottg's Homepage
[url=""]Latest map (three hours ago, 1215 PDT)[/url] puts the Harris fire about 4.3 miles from my parents house . They're issuing a mandatory evacuation via reverse 9-1-1 to the community immediately to the SE of them (Rancho San Diego). I'm having a nail-biting day.

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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  17:54:28  Show Profile

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Former Mainsheet C250 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  18:20:37  Show Profile  Visit delliottg's Homepage
[url=""]Latest map[/url] puts the Harris fire about 3.3 miles from the house. The two southerly arms of the Witch Creek fire are about 10 & 8 miles respectively west to east. Sorry if I'm annoying you guys with these updates, but it's helping my stress levels a bit to write about it.

The map takes a <b><i>long </i></b>time to load, I'm sure it's being hit by every news agency in the nation.

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  19:41:20  Show Profile
An e-mail reply from Jim B...

<i>We are evacuated along with 500,000 others and are living at karen's office. We just spoke to neighbors who didn't leave and all is ok at our place.</i>

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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  21:43:10  Show Profile
Hi Doug and everyone else. We're doing fine here other than blowing dust and smoke.
We're just on the western edge of the San Jacino Mtns, Palm Springs is due east over the mountains. So there is smoke north, northwest, west, southwest, and due south. The winds have been easterly, blowing most of the smoke out to sea and away from us. Just hoping the arsonists/terrorists don't decide to burn our mountains to the east.
Thanks for your concern. I'm trying to find out about Jim Baumgart, whose house seems to be right down there in the middle of a bunch of fires right now.
Will check the website to see if he's posting....
Okay, I see that he has been evacuated.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  22:13:02  Show Profile
From here in Tennessee, our thoughts and prayers go to everyone in Calif. who has been displaced by these terrible fires. Yesterday, it finally started raining here, which should relieve some of the drought and extreme water rationing some areas here are experiencing. I wish there was some way to send some of this rain to you on the west coast. Jim B, glad to read that things are okay at your house. Gary, also glad to read that you guys are okay, too.

Edited by - dmpilc on 10/23/2007 22:14:56
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 10/24/2007 :  05:43:06  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage
Drought conditions here in Virginia are not as bad as other areas but they have put restrictions on watering lawns, etc. It rained a bit a few days ago and starting last night it started to rain and believe they are expecting up to 2" today.

Speaking for myself with no friends or relatives in California, I read and watch tv as to what is happening out there but no real connection to what is going on. But thru this forum and this posting, for example, it brings a real connection to how some of our Catalina family is going thru this ordeal. Hope all come thru this all right. Seems like in some instances if the wind were to take a change in course or pick up suddenly, the fires can overtake an adjoining region rather quickly with very little time to react and evacuate. Hope no one gets caught in something like that besides experiencing the damaging effects near by and expect will be years before the region recovers.

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Doug C.

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Response Posted - 10/24/2007 :  14:01:42  Show Profile
Good to hear you guys are out of it at present hope nothing blows your way.

Sorry to hear Jim is at risk, I was afraid he might be close to some of the fires.

We'll be thinking of you guys, here's hoping they get it knocked down soon.

Doug and Mo

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 10/24/2007 :  16:50:24  Show Profile
Again from Jim B...

<i>We're still evacuated, but I am at work today. When you see all those scenes of people in the San Diego OES (Office of Emergency Services) I am there behind the scenes making sure the IT Data Center and Network are up. Karen is working. We are living at her office. Our house is safe - I was able to sneak by the barricades this morning and grab more clothes. Hopefully the fires will stay far, far away.

James Baumgart
Architecture and Infrastructure Systems</i>

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 10/24/2007 :  17:55:48  Show Profile
And another from Jim...

<i>I plan to live on the boat for the next few days - it is close to the office.</i>

Now there's a man who, when given a lemon, makes lemonade.

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Past Commodore

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Response Posted - 10/24/2007 :  23:06:06  Show Profile  Visit JimB517's Homepage
8:38 PM Wednesday night. I've got a few minutes of downtime here at County OES. It is very exciting to work here and it is hard to describe, kind of like a big dock party during a hurricane. Right now I am working setting up a special project between NASA and Google. NASA is flying a Predator here tomorrow, it takes IR images and makes a very detailed map. This thing sees right through the smoke and sees the flames. We will have a super high res map of all the hotspots for the first time. The Governor has been here twice and President Bush is coming tomorrow. It is unbelievable that 530,000 people have been evacuated. People are living everywhere, down at Mission Bay, in shopping center parking lots, along the freeway. There is the most special feeling of brotherhood and compassion among everyone - from strangers in line for gas to people in the shopping centers. EVERYONE asks how are you, is your family safe. Everyone. There is no class or race. We are all the same. It is a remarkable feeling.

I am in the game now and it is great.

Karen and the kids are safe at her office. The evac in the neighborhood just south of us has been lifted. We'll probably go home tomorrow. I've never actually made it down to the boat, yet.

The fires are still not contained, though, but the 50 knot winds we had are now 5 or less.

Karen and I were due to leave on our 25th wedding anniversary cruise to Acapulco Monday. Carnival Cruise line did the right thing. Anyone who lost their house or was evacuated gets to cancel without penalty and gets free of charge vouchers for another cruise whenever we want.

Our anniversary will be spent either unpacking at home or making an insurance claim.

I was so proud of my family when we had to evacuate. The winds were howling, ash was falling, and it was nearly dark at 7 AM due to smoke. We had no idea where the fire was and we were all truly afraid. My daughters loaded the 4 cars. We all drove out in an orderly fashion like a wagon train. It was the first time my 16 year old ever drove a car by herself (she only has a learners permit). She did great, driving a mountain dirt road in a fire, then on the freeway. We are a very close family and even closer now.

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Former Mainsheet C250 Tech Editor

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Response Posted - 10/25/2007 :  10:06:34  Show Profile  Visit delliottg's Homepage
Nice to hear that you guys came through OK, it sounds like the evacuation was harrowing for your family, but imagine the confidence your daughter will have facing lesser challenges now.

Looking at the SD County GIS maps, it looks like the Harris fire burnt to within about 2 miles of our house in El Cajon, but the hotspots are further to the east over a ridge and with the Santa Ana's dying down, hopefully they'll stay localized & the fire fighters can knock it the rest of the way down. I haven't heard from my family since Tuesday, but I'm presuming they're OK and just busy with clean up.

Will the NASA/Google Predator data be available online via Google Earth or Google Map?

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 10/25/2007 :  13:32:59  Show Profile
&gt;"My daughters loaded the 4 cars. ... first time my 16 year old ever drove a car by herself (she only has a learners permit). She did great. We are a very close family and even closer now."

Jim, I think you've "raised 'em up right". I can't help but believe the time spent sailing and or otherwise out on the water has played a part in their reactions to this situation.

This is something that they will remember for the rest of their lives... and the experience may serve them well in the event of future crises.

Best of luck... hope that the worst is over for the area.

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Sloop Smitten
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Response Posted - 10/26/2007 :  09:10:30  Show Profile
Been pretty busy the past few days but thought I would check in. My family, in San Marcos, was able to escape any of the evacuations and actual fires as they passed to the north and south of us. Good to hear Jim survived as his neck of the woods is extremely rural and a tinderbox under the right conditions. I actually work in Rancho Bernardo, which took a heavy hit on house fires, and they locked down the city until Wednesday evening. Returned to work on Thursday but the whole town smells like a drowned campfire and they are still dousing hot spots. My daughter has a horse that we moved three times to avoid oncoming fires but it is back at her normal stable now. Never would have thought an area with such a diverse group of residents could come together and perform as admirably as the people of San Diego County did this past week.
Oh, and I checked my boat. 1/4" of black ash on it but 10 minutes with a hose and it was begging to hit the seas. Wish I could have accommodated.

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Response Posted - 10/26/2007 :  11:35:54  Show Profile
Glad to hear all of you are doing well down south.

Continued good fortune.

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Past Commodore

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Response Posted - 10/26/2007 :  14:13:37  Show Profile  Visit JimB517's Homepage
I've been working many hours assisting the command posts with IT needs. Several people expressed interest in the data collected by NASA yesterday. It is here

They are flying again today to map burned areas.

My family has returned home. This situation is turning from active crisis management to a recovery/assistance effort. The adrenelin is wearing off and recovery/assistance is going to be just plain hard work.

There may be as many as 2000 homes lost.

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