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Initially Posted - 10/21/2007 :  19:03:39  Show Profile  Visit AADIVER's Homepage
My sailing buddy has a Honda 9.8 and its cooling water ejects with a strong stream. My Tohatsu 9.8 ejects but very "gently"; half the pressure than his. Is this just a basic difference between engines or might I have a water pump and/or an intake impeller problem?

Frank Farmer
Long Beach, CA

'01 C-250 WK, Hull #558

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John Russell
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Response Posted - 10/21/2007 :  19:36:20  Show Profile
Strong is a relative term but, my Tohatsu pees pretty well. You might want to bend it over and check the impeller.

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Response Posted - 10/22/2007 :  00:06:40  Show Profile  Visit JimB517's Homepage
Frank, I have the Tohatsu 9.8 and from time to time the "pee" stream gets weak. If you openb the cowl, you will see that there is a rubber hose from the motor across to the outlet port. This outlet port is restrictive and gets blocked by salt from time to time. Remove the hose and the outlet port and clean the port with a stiff wire. If it is possible, run the motor with just the hose pointed over the side. I'll bet 5 to 1 the problem goes away. I keep a piece of fine, but stiff, wire on the boat. Whenever the pee gets weak, I poke it inside the outlet port and wiggle it around a bit. This always clears it up.

About once per month I flush the motor with Salt Away, I am a big believer in this, the fishermen all do it on their 200 HP outboards.

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Response Posted - 10/22/2007 :  07:18:41  Show Profile  Visit britinusa's Homepage
Good tip Jim.

I have a flush adaptor attached to a short hose and a quick disconnect fitting.

It takes less than a minute to attach a hose to the engine. I run it while flushing with fresh water for at least 10 mins after every trip, then I disconnect the fuel hose at the tank and let the engine run out of fuel.


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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 10/22/2007 :  11:30:15  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by britinusa</i>
<br />...then I disconnect the fuel hose at the tank and let the engine run out of fuel.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">Mechanics are telling me that because of the E-10 fuel issues, it's better now to (1) put stabilizer and Startron in every tank of gas, and (2) leave the treated fuel in the carburator instead of running it dry and letting the last dregs evaporate in there. That's from them--not from me.

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Response Posted - 10/22/2007 :  23:16:39  Show Profile  Visit AADIVER's Homepage
Jim, I'll try that. But if a stream gets blocked wouldn't it act like putting your thumb over the discharge of a hose; it spurts and does not flow weakly. Also, I'm overdue changing the impeller; could be part of the problem.

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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  08:01:44  Show Profile  Visit DaveR's Homepage
<font size="1"><font size="2"><font size="2"><i><font face="Andale Mono">Originally posted by Dave Bristle</font id="Andale Mono"></i></font id="size2"></font id="size2"></font id="size1">
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">Mechanics are telling me that because of the E-10 fuel issues, it's better now to (1) put stabilizer and Startron in every tank of gas, and (2) leave the treated fuel in the carburator instead of running it dry and letting the last dregs evaporate in there. That's from them--not from me. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">

I wasn't real familiar with the the ethanol situation so did a search and came across [url=""]this article.[/url] While this article doesn't speak directly to "running or not running" the gas out of the carb bowl, the added gunk involved as well as quicker phase separation will keep me more diligent than ever about running the gas out of my motor. Of course this is just one article, who knows how true it is. [url=""]Here's another[/url] pointing the same direction

Edited by - DaveR on 10/23/2007 08:24:34
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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  10:39:09  Show Profile  Visit Scumbucket's Homepage
Interesting reading there DaveR.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 10/23/2007 :  11:02:48  Show Profile

Have you owned your Tohatsu since it was new?

If so, is the telltale stream flowing any differently than when it was new?

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Response Posted - 10/24/2007 :  13:39:15  Show Profile  Visit AADIVER's Homepage
Yes, original owner, bought it in December '05. I believe the stream was stronger during the first year, but still not as strong as Honda 9.8's. As long as water is "peeing" out, the engine's being cooled...I hope!

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Response Posted - 10/24/2007 :  14:24:17  Show Profile  Visit DaveR's Homepage
Also your water discharge hole can be partially or totally clogged and you engine will still pump water through itself (or it could be a bad impeller and you're screwed!). The majority of the water gets pumped out the lower unit with the exhaust. That upper discharge is just a visual indicator.

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