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The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
I have a guy building a trailer for me and I am looking for all the dimentions of the Catalina 250 Wing keel. I know the LOA, Beam etc. I need the Keel info. How long is the keel from the bottom of the boat to the bottom of the keel? How wide is the keel, and how long is it. Thanks for the info. As soon as I get the trailer and the boat out of the water I will be looking at doing a bottom job and will need all of your advice. Thanks again.
I also would be interested in anyone form Southern California or San Diego that might know of a trailer maker where I can get a price on a trailer. Thanks
You want to contact HippMarine, 858-541-2960. They are the distributor for Trail-Rite boat trailers. They make an excellent Catalina 250 WK trailer to match your needs.
I called the trail-rite dealer in southern california and they want $7,700 for the galvanized and $6,800 for the painted steel. Both trailer had surge brakes and 14" tires. I found a trailer maker in Texas that has a galvanized trailer, dual axel with electric brakes and 15" tires for $3400. Anyone else know of anyone else????
Doug, One thing you may want to consider in your trailer search is that the trail-rite trailer is pretty much set up for the 250. The extending pole on the trailer tongue really makes mast raising easy and the extending tongue for shallow water launch can be a real blessing when you need it. I guess it depends on how much you plan on trailering and launching. Willy
The trailer I am looking at in Texas has a 12' extention for launching. It does not have the mast raising system but fom what I have see of the system I can built that myself. I like the electric brakes over the surg and the 15" tires vs the 14". I just can not see spending $7,000 for a trailer. I want to use the trailer to pull the boat out of the lake to work on it as well as 3-4 trips to California a year. Does anyone else have any other sugestions.
A 12' extension will not help. I just pulled my 250 Wing and used 75' of strap. Used 60' to launch in the spring. Unless your ramp is near vertical 12' wont do a thing. I also can attest to the great mast rasing/lowering setup on the 250 Trailrite. We towed ours 2,000 miles and the 14" wheels were fine. 15" wheels mean that you need another inch of depth to launch and retrieve. A trailer that is boat-specific is a valuable thing.
Don, There was a new 250 mast raising system for sale over on Trailer Sailor site in the "gear" classifieds a few months ago. I posted a link to it in our swap meet section then. I looked today and its gone. It might not have sold, you could run a add looking for it. Maybe the guy that had it for sale might see your add. There are also a few trailers over there for sale. One is a triple axle. Good Luck on your hunt.
Ok a few quick questions. One I know the Trailrite trailer has a good mast system. But is it worth an extra 3,000-4,000 dollars. And it the strap is required than why do the trailer have extentions. I understand that the strap is a good idea and needed sometimes. But let me aks this in southern California San Diego, or Marina Del Rey do the ramps there require a strap or a extention. I think most ramps will work fine with a extention. Would like to heare more from other people that use their trailers. Thanks
You need around 5 feet of water to float a wing keel off of the trailer or back on to it. Ramps like these are sometimers hard to find. On many longer ramps the 12 foot extension won't work great - I had my trucks axle in the water the last time I retrieved it, and I had to wait 3 or 4 days to get that amount of water too. Bigger wheels are nice, but remember that they also raise the boat higher, and you don't want to do that.
I also think electric brakes are questionable for any boat trailer - remember that you're backing the thing into the water. Salt water will finish off the brakes and probably short out half of the system. Fresh water will damage it as well. If you go ahead with this project, take a good look at the Trailrite and try to do similar things. It does work.
Ok this brings up another question. How many people have electric brakes and how many have surge. Has anyone had problems with the electric brakes. I am really interested in your responce. Thanks
I've owned a half dozen boat trailers and have helped a dozen friends launch their boats. I don't think that any of them have had electric brakes or that the manufacturers will even build one with them. I totally agree that electric brakes are better (I have them on two car haulers), but NOT if it means getting them submerged (especially in salt water). I suppose its do-able if you can keep the water out. Not an easy job.
This boat has got to be a real handfull to tow around. Must be well over 14 feet tall sitting like this. Center of gravity is easily higher than the tow vehicles roof. Good luck to whoever buys this thing. Nice boat, WRONG trailer.
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote">The ONLY way he's going to launch this 2004 wing keel is with a lift or crane.<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
Man, I would not want to (A) tow that boat that high up or (B) try to get it down a ramp to launch. You'd need a mile of ramp & strap to get it to float.
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by CaptRon400</i> <br /> The bottom of the keel is sitting on 2x10's ABOVE the trailers main rails. Nice boat, WRONG trailer. <hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote">
Not necessarily. It looks to me like somebody just screwed it up a little. The timber that the keel is sitting on shouldn't be athwartships. It should run longitudinally between the trailer wheels. There are two cross members there to support it. The jackstands appear to be adjustable. Doing that would lower it to the level of mine. I have the factory recommended trailer. I wonder if it's not set up higher like that just for the photo-op? Did you notice the tongue is also extended? I sure wouldn't want to do 65MPH with the lead that high.
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by RedRedWhine</i> <br />Ok this brings up another question. How many people have electric brakes and how many have surge. Has anyone had problems with the electric brakes. I am really interested in your responce. Thanks
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></font id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"> This is a subject that generates lots of opinions and very few facts. Please contact the manufacturer of the electric brakes you trailer maker wants to use and ask them about submersibility. Technology changes but it takes a while for perceptions to catch up. I rebuilt a trailrite trailer with surge brakes and have rebuilt the trailer under my current wing keel 25 with electric brakes. Electrics give me a much safer rig since I tow with an undersized vehicle. Personally I think surge brakes are antiquated and dangerous unless connected to a large enough tow vehicle such that the tow vehicle's brakes can handle the entire rig. As for your manufacturer's capability to built a proper trailer for you, it is a question of his experience, drop axles and tricks to make a lowboy trailer are well known. Of course it would help if you could borrow a custom 250 trailer for him to copy but you and he can agree on what is important even if you do not have a trailer to copy. Personally I like a longer tongue than most sailboat trailers have, longer tows better and backs better. We launch boats with 4' drafts at one of our ramps all the time and an extension works ok, its about the ramp. You can have an extension that is as long as your trailer, but if you do that make sure you have a tongue wheel to take the weight or you will bend the extension. Rollers instead of bunks will make a lot more difference than 14" tires. Pads can work well if you can drop or swing out the back two on a ramp. The bottom line is that you have the opportunity to have a very nice trailer at a much better price, all it will take is your involvement and a clear understanding of your needs.
<font color="blue"><font size="4"><font face="Comic Sans MS">I also had electric brakes on my WK trailer for better control etc. No problems..... except criticism. A lot of people have spent a justifiable amount of money modifying their trailers, so I guess that is what you are doing... but not having been left over with a bunch of parts to sell on Ebay. Have fun. paulj
Well off to Orcus Island with the tide......</font id="Comic Sans MS"></font id="size4"></font id="blue">
While I chose to replace my surge drum brakes with surge disc brakes, I have also heard that electrics are now a viable option for boat trailers. That e-bay boat looks very nice but the trailer is a good example of why factory trailers are best. Those standards do not look adjustable to me. It is a bad fit. Penny wise, pound foolish.
Here is an update, I decided that I was going to hold off on the trailer from Texas. I found a Road King Trailer from Florida in Saint Louis for $4800.00 Road king makes trailers withe either electric or surge. The electric brakes are disk and from what I have see hold up well. Some states are going to go away from surge and require electric. The trailers I have looked at with Road King are made for the Catalina 250. I will try to attach a picture of a new 250 sitting on a trailer. I did learn one thing. California EPA laws changed over the past year. It seem that it is harder to galvanize trailers there than other states. This came from the rep at Trailrite in Santa Ana. The trialer I am lookng at has surge brakes and extention as well as mast raising system. Thanks for the help and i will let you know how it goes.
Thanks Tom, I will let you know. The same goes for me in Vegas. IF anyone is in town let me know and I would be glad to take you out on Lake Mead. One can always learn something from another sailer.
UPDATE: If you go to my site located at the bottom of my name you will see pictures of the Road King Tailer. Take a look and please let me know what you all think. Thanks
I would suggest you look at Randy's posting on his trailer disc brakes. I followed his lead and did the same. My friend who does rigging and tows many boats says I spoiled him with the work on my brakes. The surge brakes stop very quickly and even the slightest pressure starts engaging them.
Thanks for the link. I agree Disk Brakes are they way to go. I think it helps get the water out and prevents rust. Here is a link to the boat trailer Company
The trailer is RKGSK-250TB built for the Catalina 250. It is 80" wide with 5" frame and the GVW is 7000 LB and the carrying capacity is at 5800 LB. IT has the 14" Tires 205x14C and disk brakes on both axels. It is a lot cheaper to buy it in the midwest or east coast than in California. The nice thing is I bought it online and did not have to pay tax on it. Well let me know what you think.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.