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Master Marine Consultant

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Initially Posted - 01/27/2007 :  12:23:03  Show Profile
Hi folks, we are getting reasy to purchase an anchor roller. I have researched the archives and it looks like the Windlass AR-3 is the consensus choice. I'm just asking to confirm this and to see if anyone else has gone with a different roller and been happy with it. Anything I should know about the AR-3 before getting an installing one?? We have a CDI furler. We will be storing the anchor in the locker. Thanks!

We cannot direct the winds but we can adjust our sails.

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Frank Hopper
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Pitcairn Island
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Response Posted - 01/27/2007 :  13:10:48  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
Did you check out the anchor roller in my post on the general forum?
It self deploys, it seems like that would be a nice feature on a short handed boat. is a brand new stainless steel drop nose anchor roller it is designed to make your anchor self launching. When the tension is released on the anchor rode the weight of the anchor will cause the roller to tilt forward and allow the anchor to slide off the roller. It measures 12-3/4" long by 3-3/4" wide Will work great on most styles of anchors up to about 30 lbs

Edited by - Frank Hopper on 01/27/2007 13:12:04
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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 01/27/2007 :  13:53:36  Show Profile
Depends somewhat on the anchor. Make sure whatever you pick is long enough to keep the stock (especially on a Danforth or Fortress) from chipping gelcoat as it spins on its way into or out of the roller. If the anchor is a claw-type, be sure the point of the claw will be clear of the bow when the anchor is stowed (if you plan to leave it there). For my 22# Delta on my new boat, I got a roller from Lewmar that's made specifically for that anchor, with two rollers aligned so it should self-launch.

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Response Posted - 01/29/2007 :  11:38:36  Show Profile
Compare the width of the AR-3 with any other rollers you consider. The AR-3 just fits between the forstay tang/plate and the starboard bow cleat.

If you are going to store anchor on roller, the AR-3 will require modifications to the anchor locker lid due to length of the shank on the anchor. The shank on my claw extends back over the anchor locker lid. I don't have any photos or measurements at this time. I could probably get to the boat and take some if needed. I have thought about a mod, but this is not very high on my list. Look at a C28 or larger Catalina and you will note the difference in the anchor locker lid and the ability to store anchor.

If you find one that is longer in length, it may help with self store of anchor on roller.

Note: my claw does clear the bow nicely with the AR-3 when deploying/retrieving anchor. The anchor does clear no matter which direction it is pulled up on deck (see third photo on link - anchor is shown facing away from bow - I usually pull it up facing the other direction towards bow) Here is a link with a write up on my [url=""]anchor roller[/url] install - my post is about halfway down page date 9/19/05.

Here is another another link on [url=""]deploy/retrieve[/url] of my anchor - see my post dated 11/03/06.

Edited by - welshoff on 01/29/2007 12:02:31
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 01/29/2007 :  14:44:14  Show Profile
Wil, thank you. The photos were <u>very </u> helpful. I have decided on a Bruce 16.5lb anchor. I am looking at the Windline BRM-2 Roller/mount. It is 1/8" narrower than the AR-3 and also longer. I think it should work. I am thinking that while cruising it would be advantageous to have the anchor mounted on the bow for quick deployment - and to not have to pick the anchor up so much! Sound reasonable?

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Response Posted - 01/29/2007 :  15:11:24  Show Profile
If I wasn't so tight (cheap), I probably would have went with the BMR-2 as well. The longer roller would be a plus. I had never intended on storing on the roller. All in all it is not a great effort to open the locker and lay the anchor over the roller to deploy/retrieve.

I am still thinking you will have some locker lid issues to deal with to store the anchor on the roller? I would guess even with the longer BMR-2 roller, there will be 10"-12" of anchor shank still to deal with protruding over the anchor locker? If you don't modify the locker lid, you would have to move the anchor to open the locker lid. Ideally the anchor shank would be below the locker lid when the lid is closed. Locker lids that allow storage usually have a raised profile at the location the anchor shank goes under the lid.

Just my thoughts?

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Frank Hopper
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Pitcairn Island
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Response Posted - 01/29/2007 :  15:57:12  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
As long as the rode feeds what is the problem? Do 250s have a notch for the rode?

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 01/29/2007 :  19:37:04  Show Profile
It does have a notch for the rode so I think it will work out. My back can get out of whack doing things like lifting an anchor and holding it under the rail, etc to deploy. That's why I like the idea of hanging it out there during cruising. Back on the lake I would keep the anchor in the locker.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 01/29/2007 :  20:43:39  Show Profile
I use the AR-3 also. You might want to check the bolt pattern on the BRM-2. If you notice the pictures of the AR-3 the end is even with the front of the anchor locker. This is necessary to be able to mount it using all three bolts. I initially purchased a longer mount, but had to return it because only two bolts could be used to secure the roller.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 01/29/2007 :  20:53:15  Show Profile
Good point Frog. The end holes are just lke the AR-3 but I may need to drill a third, centered, hole to enable three bolts to be used.

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Response Posted - 01/30/2007 :  07:05:12  Show Profile
Does the roller interfere with the launch / retrieval of the boat from the trailer? I have problems with my WK with the bow pulpit hanging up (damaged bow light! ) I would be somewhat concerned about anything extending any further forward.


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Response Posted - 05/28/2007 :  09:20:08  Show Profile
WE added the ar-3 , Its a big help . I used a dock line to keep it center ,I think a chaff gard where it sits on the roller would help if you get stuck in windy conditions .
and I need something in the locker to hold the chain , so you can reach over and grab the anchor .

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Response Posted - 05/28/2007 :  09:26:29  Show Profile
Don on the trailer ,
The mast raising system can be slid forward by loosening the u-bolts that hold it in place .

I didn't have to do that on mine , But I think my tung weight is to light so I was looking how to fix that

Edited by - SEAN on 05/28/2007 16:41:41
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/28/2007 :  11:59:31  Show Profile
Nice job Sean! Do you keep the anchor on the roller or in the anchor storage area? I think I am giving up on my idea of using the BRM2 and keeping the Bruce on the unit. It is all just too large. So now I am looking at adding a roller and keeping the anchor in the locker. Is that what you do?

And, what is that block and line attached to the bow and running down the port side??

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Response Posted - 05/28/2007 :  17:58:17  Show Profile
Hey Randy ,
I keep the anchor in the locker , there's no room for anything up front .
The bow roller makes it so easy to set and pull up ,
But the line has to be center on the roller when it sits (like in the picture) .
And chafe gear were the line sits on the roller (something you can quickly put on).
If the weather gets bad ,it will rub the metal sides.

you just need something in the locker to hold the chain , while you reach up front for the anchor

The block is for a 155 drifter sail I use the shackle to tie the line to the side .

Arlen has the sail on his site , and the bow roller i seen on Jerrys site I think

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