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Initially Posted - 01/25/2007 :  09:50:44  Show Profile
Minutes of Officers and Staff Teleconference, 1/9/07


Frank, Duane, Dennis, Ben, Rick, Chris, Bill and Kevin


Arlyn, Paul, John

Frank called the meeting to order.

The officers approved the minutes of the last officers meeting as published.

Reports from officers and staff:

Dennis (Mainsheet Editor) - All articles submitted for February Mainsheet. In fact, at 4300 words, we are considerably over the 1000 words or so they expect from us each month. Dennis submitted Henk’s messages from the web site (parts 1 – 6). {After the meeting, we heard that Henk’s work has been accepted as a feature story for the Mainsheet. Thanks Henk! And good job Dennis for getting a feature accepted. –KM} We will also have an article on racing, as well a piece on the call for bids for the 2008 nationals.

Chris (Capri 25 Technical Editor) – Chris is preparing a tech tip on his main sail cover project. The Capri 25 Yahoo group was discussed. Chris and Matthew (founders of the Yahoo group) are getting together an email list that they can use to contact Capri 25 owners directly, and inform them about our association, its status as the factory sanctioned Capri 25 organization, and our activities and services.

Duane (Vice Commodore) – The 2007 Nationals dates are finalized at June 28th – July 1st. This is a week later in the year than past events. The Thursday and Friday races will be long distance. Duane suggests that Bill (who is hosting the Nationals this year) start contacting those folks who attended or expressed interest in attending last year. (In Bill’s report later in the meeting, we learn that he has already been working on this.) Capri 25’s are invited this year to sail in the PHRF fleet. In the ’08 Nationals, they will have their own fleet and their own national champion.

Duane also requested that everyone check the officers page and provide updated information to Paul and Dennis if changes are needed.

Duane mentioned that a C30 owner who is a member of the yacht club where the Nationals were held last year (and will be held this year) saw the article in the Mainsheet about the C25 Nationals and wrote a letter to his club officers expressing excitement about the great press their yacht club got from our involvement. This owner also plans to answer the Mainsheet’s permission to reprint the article in their club newsletter.

Duane asked to have the minutes show that for the quarter ending December 31st, 2006, our revenue from web site advertising and referral sources was 312.23, of which approximately $130 was from the Google ads recently added. Frank pointed out that this is very significant because we run the organization very close to breakeven (most of the membership fee goes to the mainsheet, and another portion is used to pay LuAnn for membership administration, etc.) and so it takes a lot of new members to create an additional $300+ in revenue.

Duane discussed the most searched items information that we get from the Google search just added, and thinks that these items would be a good direction for us to consider going with tech tips in the magazine and on the site. Duane agreed to post a message on the web site listing the most searched items.

Kevin (Secretary) – Nothing exceptional to report this month.

Ben (Treasurer) – Ben continues to work with JB on the Excel format financial statements he is receiving. He is having trouble finding the information he wants to see, as the officer most responsible for financial oversight.

Rick (Capri 25 Measurer) – No report this month.

Bill (Chief Measurer and host of 2007 Nationals) – Bill asked Duane when the application for the Nationals will be posted. Duane explained that Edgewater (the yacht club that hosts Cleveland Race Week, and upon which we have piggybacked our Nationals for the last two years) will not have their application ready until April, as their focus is on earlier events until then. Bill indicated he would be inclined to post our application now, even though the Edgewater application is not ready yet.

Bill also reported he is getting good interest in hosting the Nationals from 2008 bidders, but does not want to announce any at the moment.

Bill asked who would do the press release for the 2007 Nationals, and how it would be approved. After discussion, it was agreed that:

Duane will post the race at US Sailing, forward the press we used last year to Frank and Bill, forward logos etc. to Bill, as well as a list of last year’s racers.

Frank will write a press release on Catalina sanctioning our association as the national association for the Capri 25 design.

Bill continued his report, saying that he needs technical drawings of all the keel types for the C25, to create art for the Nationals.

A motion was made by Frank to cut up the debit card we received from the bank, and to also contact the bank and ask them to deactivate it. The motion was seconded and carried unanimously.

Kevin agreed to contact Arlyn about the 250 section of the web site.

Dennis asked to have it recorded in the minutes that he wishes to be very proactive about increasing our participation in the Mainsheet magazine, in order to make our section more valuable, and he requests all the help he can get in this effort from the membership in suggesting and creating content.

Someone mentioned that Virtual Skipper 3 is cool, and Virtual Skipper 4 is cooler. ;-).

We adjourned. The next meeting is Feb 13th, officers only, at 7:30 Central.

Kevin Mackenzie
Association Secretary

Kevin Mackenzie
Former Association Secretary and Commodore
"Dogs Allowed"
'06 C250WK #881
'01 Maine Cat 30 #34

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