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 Ramarine ST40 depth & speed problem
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Initially Posted - 10/15/2006 :  09:56:34  Show Profile  Visit britinusa's Homepage
Actually got around to swapping out the rectangular plastimo tank for my new triangular tank today.
As I had the v-berth cover off I looked under the tank support (2" polystyrene foam block that I made to cover the entire flat surface of the Vberth section of the ballast tank) and found 3" of dirty water in the transponder well.
Last time out our knot meter failed and depth stopped working (two seperate transducers)
So I figure that if there is a slow leak around the transducers that may be affecting the functionality of the transducers. In order to rebed them I have to get them out first. (the boat is on the trailer!)
Step 1. remove the transducer hold down rings & rubber washers.
Step 2. remove the speed transducer (just a bayonet fitting)

Now to remove the depth transducer... seems it is glued in!!!
The speed transducer housing seems pretty fixed too.
I want to remove them both so that I can ensure that the leak is not affecting the hull around the transducer thru-hulls.

Any ideas on how to get the speed housing out or the depth transducer out (I think the depth transducer is inserted from the outside!

right now everything is just drying out, the depth gauge is correctly indicating the temperature changes so that is a good sign.
but rotating the speed paddle does not register any indication on the display, and the depth just shows "----"



Joint Decision. (Sold)
PO C250WB 2005 Sail # 841.

Moved up to C34 Eximius

Updated August 2015

Edited by - on


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Response Posted - 10/15/2006 :  11:53:46  Show Profile
The knot meter might only be a problem of being in need of cleaning and freeing the paddle wheel? I had some issues and Raymarine was very good about helping...also I found that I needed to take out the knot transducer when putting the boat on and off the trailer so it doesn,t hit anything and damage the paddle wheel...Dan #727

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Response Posted - 10/15/2006 :  12:33:43  Show Profile  Visit britinusa's Homepage
Thanks Danny, We checked the paddles freedom of movement. Right now the speed transducer is laying on the v-berth decking drying out, so it's easy to do that test. (Last time we were out, Jesse went under the boat and flicked it, no indication then either )

We're pretty confident that when we launch it is clear of all obstructions. Our very tall guide posts ensure the boat remains pretty much lined up with the trailer and bunks.

It's still drying out...


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