The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ.
The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.
Heh, yes, I have to INSTALL the cunningham, but I was thinking the same thing as I was sailing.
The new sail points just as well and the boat is at least a knot faster with it, though it backinds easily when you let out the mainsheet to keep her on her feet, haven't quite figured it out yet.
I'll say that it's very due to sails and speed though. I'm losing at least 5 degrees right now due to sails and I have an engineer on my crew...these are his calcs...
<font color="blue">Well, let's say that our races are 5 miles long with 3 miles sailed to windward.
Let's say we're currently sailiing 5 degrees lower than a boat with good sails.
That calculates to us sailing 1400 ft further or 56 boat lengths.
Just an engineering perspective why it'll be good to spend $3000 to get better sails.</font id="blue">
For those who don't get the emails from the Yahoo group, check out the messages over the last day or so. I got some excellent advice regarding my new mainsail backwinding like it did. Man, I wish I could go out sailing with some of you who actually now how to sail these Capri's so well. I'm learning, but it sure seems to be coming slow.
Josh, Doesn't your example assume the same boat speed at that 5 degree angle? If you were to sail faster at 5 degrees, wouldn't that also come into play? You would still sail farther, but you might get there sooner? Just asking, don't know what the difference would have to be.
Rick, I have the same main as yours or close to it, I got an email from Harr saying that my main was built for PHRF and the roach is larger than what he does for WYC, you might ask what sail he cut for you then we can compare notes. I did see the new main back winding last fall quite a bit, I did play the traveler up and down the track, and let out the main sheet. I have a totally new rig now so every thing will be fresh. I have the forstay set at 31'-10" the backstay looks like wet noodles and needs an overhaul now. I have at least 2 feet of slack in the backstay, the shrouds are set at 42 the aft lowers at 35 and the forwards are just hand tightened. I have yet taken the boat out for a sail, I am still waiting on Harken to start selling the new #5 Carbo Foil.
I have made arrangments to borrow a sail that hanks on from an S2 7.9 that the J is really close, so I will update as needed. I myself would love to come up and sail with you in the regattas in the emails. I don't think it will happen this year, but I will promise that I will get up there some day. My father had a 30+ year struggle with MS and we have our own MS Regatta September 9th. I personally thank you for your support, It WILL make a difference.
Thanks again for taking over the Yahoo site, I had way too many irons in the fire, and the list of chores on the boat keeps getting longer and longer. One of these days I just would like to sit down with you and have a beer and talk about the boat,Thanks again for all of the support.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.