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 Removing Pin from 4 Spring Motor Mount
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La Dolce Vita
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Initially Posted - 05/20/2006 :  08:26:43  Show Profile
Last year I installed a new 4 spring Gauhauer motor mount for my Yamaha 9.9.
Trying to get the motor all the way in the down position is almost impossible even if I stand on it.
If I remove one of the springs which one should it be and can it be done with the motor on the mount?

Thanks for all your help & expert advice!

Ed "La Dolce Vita"

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/20/2006 :  13:38:27  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage
You say you replaced the motor mount last year. But how many times have you tried to lower it into the down position. Is it possible you installed it end of last year and are now just trying to get it into the down position. I am asking this because the motor mount with the 4 springs is right for a motor weighing say 100-115 lbs and believe that the Yamaha is in that range. I had similar problem end of last year when I installed my 4 spring model. I stood on the motor and also had a hard time getting it into the down position slots. Sometimes I would be able to get it into the slot on one side but not the other. I even used a cheater bar on it. But what I found was that after continually working it, it eventually loosened up and then worked fine.

I do find that once it is in the down position slots, to release it, I have to push my foot down on the handle. Then it comes out of the slots and the springs push my Honda 4 stroke about 4-5 inches up. Then I can raise it the rest of the way by hand.

The way my bracket works is acceptable to me and believe this is the correct way it should work. My thought is that with time the springs will relax a bit and so I rather have it the way it is right now and putting my foot to the handle momentarily is not a big deal.

In your case, if you have been living with it like this for a long time, well then that is not acceptable. If you really want to remove one spring, recommend see if Catalina Direct has a close-up view of the 2, 3 and 4 spring models. That may clue you in as to which spring to remove viewing the 3 spring model (maybe temporarily) to use the bracket at this time while everything is still tight.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Antigua and Barbuda
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Response Posted - 05/20/2006 :  19:45:44  Show Profile
<blockquote id="quote"><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" id="quote">quote:<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"><i>Originally posted by OLarryR</i>
<br />...4 springs is right for a motor weighing say 100-115 lbs...
<hr height="1" noshade id="quote"></blockquote id="quote"></font id="quote">

The 4-spring Garhauer mount is designed for motors MUCH heavier than 100-115 pounds, more like 140-160. My Yamaha T8 with electric start and hydraulic power tilt is 135#, and I have to push down with at least 25# of additional force to get my 4-spring Garhauer into the lowest notch.

Fortunately, the 25" shaft is long enough that the motor works fine with the mount in the midway position, at least in the relatively calm water at Folsom Lake. If I was out in San Francisco Bay, where the wind waves can hit 6' in The Slot, I would put the motor all the way down. Of course, if it was really windy , I wouldn't be motoring in the first place unless I had some emergency like a dismasting or a broken rudder.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/20/2006 :  21:36:44  Show Profile  Visit OLarryR's Homepage
Larry C,

The Catalina Direct website indicates the following for the 4 spring model:

"This motor bracket is fabricated from tubular stainless steel, four big springs counterbalance engines that weigh over 95 pounds."

Catalina Direct indicates the following for the 3 spring model:

"This motor bracket is fabricated from tubular stainless steel, three big springs counterbalance engines that weigh 80 to 95 pounds."

You indicated that the 4 spring is designed for much heavier than 100-115 pounds. Did you find other reference info than what I listed above from Catalina Direct ?

The 4 strokes (not the lightweight ones) are around 105-115 lbs. The Honda is around 107 lbs or so for the 25" shaft and believe the Yamaha is close to that as well.

Perhaps the experiences some have is that the spring tensioning is not an exact science and that some find it with way more tension than others. It also likely that the spring tension will ease up a bit given time - but maybe only a bit and not that much. Possibly if the motor was left in the down position for a few days that would help ease the tension for Ed's mount. But your mount and the comments you wrote thinking that the 4 spring is more suitable for a much heavier motor (140-160lbs) sounds like the tensions can differ quite a bit based on the mfrg process of the spring and/or mount.

I have the 4 spring and I have a 107 lb motor and I use the lowest mount slots with no problem using hand pressure to get it locked in the slots. Also, when I release it from those slots, it's not like my motor is so light and the spring tension so great that the motor abruptly rockets up and hits me in the head. It moves up about 4-5" and then I raise it the rest of the way with my hand.

In any case, for anyone contemplating removing a spring, seems like possibly keeping the motor mount in the shallow position, etc down position is worth a try for a few days first before starting to dismantle the spring pin. I would also discuss this with Catalina Direct since the 4 spring info they have on their website indicates motors from 95 lbs and up and if there is a design flaw with some...well, no one wants to then remove their new bracket and ship it back but still probably worth discussing the situation. Maybe they have had similar reportings.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/20/2006 :  22:39:10  Show Profile
I suspect something is in a bind...

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Response Posted - 05/21/2006 :  09:35:37  Show Profile
On my 2 spring (original) model, the end of the spring that is in contact with the cross bolt has straightened out and now slips off the bolt so I am down to one. I have found that to "reset" the spring that I remove the bolt, "remove the part of the spring that wraps around the frame", reinsert the bolt with the short, straight end on the bolt again, and then use a screwdriver to pry the bigger end over the frame piece again. All in the UP position so there is no tension on the system.
So if I can remove the larger end of the spring from around the frame (see quotes above) then I believe you could do the same to remove some tension from the mount.
Just a suggestion......(do at own risk, etc., etc., legal stuff )

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