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 Poor man's mast gates?
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Master Marine Consultant

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Initially Posted - 05/16/2006 :  06:57:13  Show Profile
Okay, I'm not necessarily poor, simply cheap, but does anyone have any ideas for making "mast gates" out of inexpensive material that could be found that the local Lowes or Home Depot? I thought I remember reading on this board years ago about a member who made his own mast gates out of aluminum strips meant for a window application, or some other kind of application. I might have it wrong, it really was a long time ago.

Anyway, I went to Lowes over the weekend and walked all around the store and didn't see anything that would work. Seems like such an easy thing to do, if I have it pictured right in my head; I just can't find the material I'm looking for.

Any ideas?

Beneteau 361
Viking Kitty
Columbus, Ohio

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/16/2006 :  07:42:27  Show Profile  Visit aeckhart's Homepage

Get a piece of 2" aluminum flat stock from the hardware store, cut it out to fit over the mast slot, shape it to fit the mast curve, add two holes and ss screws. I painted mine white to match the mast paint.

The flat stock usually comes in 3 ft pieces but you'll fine other uses for it on your boat.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/16/2006 :  08:36:57  Show Profile
Ben...Bill Holcomb posted his version of mastgates using capret edging...he has it in his list of updates to his boat Snickerdoodle. Reasonable simple as I seem to recall.

Val on Calista # 3936 Patchogue,N.Y.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/16/2006 :  08:43:25  Show Profile
Ahh...excellent ideas all! Thanks so much. Can't wait to get to the hardware store now!

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/16/2006 :  10:28:20  Show Profile
Also check the tech tips. I remember two tips on making them with found items. Cheers.
here is link -

Edited by - djn on 05/16/2006 10:31:16
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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 05/16/2006 :  11:57:41  Show Profile
I got a small sheet of stainless and cut two plates out of it, each with a "tab" the size and shape of the cutout on one side of the mast track. Then I bent the tabs 180 degrees so they would form an "inner wall" at the cutouts, to keep the sail slugs from catching as they passed the gate. Then drilled some holes and bent a slight curve into each plate to fit the mast.......... Then I bought a set from Joe Martinek (what CD is now selling)--they work great! (Actually, I only use one of his plates--two make the slot just a tiny bit too narrow--so the second is a backup when the first becomes a gift to King Neptune.

Edited by - Dave Bristle on 05/16/2006 11:59:02
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Master Marine Consultant

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Virgin Islands (United Kingdom)
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Response Posted - 05/16/2006 :  12:29:22  Show Profile
Mine too are made from a piece of aluminum carpet edging. No problems after 4 years.

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Response Posted - 05/17/2006 :  16:18:35  Show Profile
The previous owner of our boat is very comfortable working with fiberglass and made this sleeve out of fiberglass that snaps over the mast and is removed when the sail needs to be removed. It's just below my hand on the mast. It has tabs molded into it that fit into the opening on the mast track so it stays in position and fits snugly.

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dave holtgrave

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Response Posted - 05/18/2006 :  09:36:57  Show Profile
pam c
what a beautiful back drop in your photo.
what a great place to sail.

if i were to take a photo of my lake back drop today it would show the wheat about 2 feet tall and the corn about 6 inches high.

just a thought about the differant polaces we sail

dave holtgrave
sailing on carlyle lake in southern illinois

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Brian King
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Response Posted - 05/18/2006 :  10:07:09  Show Profile
I just made and installed a mast gate for my '89 using a short piece of the suggested aluminum carpet edging from HD for $2.99. The '89's (or at least my C25) has only one side of the slot carved out to install the slugs, so I didn't want to buy the pair, nor was I convinced that they would fit. Launching tomorrow, so we'll see how it works out.

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