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Initially Posted - 05/11/2006 :  09:26:42  Show Profile
One of the cons to buying a boat on the internet is that the PO is not around to show "the ropes".
Anybody in the NYC metropolitan area with a C-25 willing to show me how to rig the sails on my boat? My boat does have a CDI furler, but I would be interested in seeing how the main gets rigged and any other tips for proper operation.
The beer is on me.

Daniel 86 "Solar Wind" #5339 C-25 FK/SR I/B Diesel

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Response Posted - 05/11/2006 :  09:53:04  Show Profile

Where do you keep the boat? I live on LI and sail out of Huntington. I work in Manhattan so I travel into the city everyday.


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Response Posted - 05/12/2006 :  17:33:34  Show Profile
Don't know if you got my email. Thanks for your offering. The boat is on the hard in Mamaroneck, NY because I'm blocked by many boats. I can go to Huntington any time it's convenient for you. Also don't mind helping you with anything you need to get done on the boat that day. All you have to tell me is the day and the beer you're drinking.

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 05/12/2006 :  18:03:55  Show Profile
Hi Daniel... I'm not very convenient, and Passage has not been splashed yet, but I thought I'd chime in by saying the C-25 rig and sails are very generic--only the CDI is a little different (from most other furlers). If you can find another sailor with a CDI around the yard or docks, I suspect the two of you can figure eveything out. Most sailors are more than happy to help. Also, it's usually helpful to have an extra pair of hands for bending on the sails, and an extra set of eyes to notice that a sheet isn't routed correctly around the shrouds (for example)--even after you've seen how Mark does it. (I'm not trying to argue Mark out of a few beers...)

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/12/2006 :  18:50:12  Show Profile

As Dave mentioned, bending sails and installing the running rigging on a C25 is rather basic. Some specific things may differ from boat-to-boat, like reefing setups, outhaul purchase, lines led aft, cunningham,...etc, but it is all rather generic.

You may get some clues as to how things are rigged from the [url=""]C25 Parts Manual[/url] which has illustrations for the [url=""]boom[/url] and [url=""]backstay[/url] assemblies.

As for the furler, I'm not sure which one you have, but the [url=""]CDI Furler Manuals[/url] are fairly detailed on how to rig them up.

If you have any more questions, just fire away.

Edited by - dlucier on 05/12/2006 18:53:19
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