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 FK Cabin Floor Drains?
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1st Mate

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Initially Posted - 05/08/2006 :  08:36:40  Show Profile

Has anyone drilled small drain holes in the cabin floor of their Fin Keel boat to drain the occasional water that puddles there? The boats have bilge pumps, so I wondered if I drilled a couple of small 1/4" holes in the floor of the cabin, then any water that collected in the low areas would drain to the bilge and I could easily pump it out. However, because of the ribs/spars under the floor, I'm not sure everything drains to the bilge. That's why I thought I'd ask before I drilled.

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Frank Hopper
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Pitcairn Island
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Response Posted - 05/08/2006 :  10:06:50  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
Find the leaks, stop the water. I have had two 25s and they have both been dry boats.

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1st Mate

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Response Posted - 05/08/2006 :  12:21:47  Show Profile
well, I was thinking about the water that ends up on the cabin floor from wet swim suits, washing/mopping the cabin floor, etc. Plugging leaks goes without saying.

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Frank Hopper
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Pitcairn Island
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Response Posted - 05/08/2006 :  16:35:14  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
Sorry, you would be surprised how many people focus on bilge pumps when leaks are their problem. It sounds like you have a young family and water that someone would want to swim in. I am disqualified on both counts. My boat has carpet and a central vac... alternate reality.

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Response Posted - 05/08/2006 :  16:56:01  Show Profile
You don't have a central vac on a C25 ?!?!?@!?

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/08/2006 :  19:06:06  Show Profile  Visit Champipple's Homepage
Central Vac? please splain

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/08/2006 :  19:46:56  Show Profile
Do you have carpeting?

I, too, on occasion have 4 or 5 kids in the cabin after a swim call and to prevent slipping on the bare floor (and to soak up any water), I cover it with an Olefin carpeting. This carpeting is colorfast, quick drying, and stain resistant. I buy the stuff that has the closed cell foam backing for the extra cush and it stays in place a lot better. My dinette interior can be carpeted with a 9' x 6' piece.

As for vacuums, I keep a small Dirt Devil onboard to clean up the Doritos, Cheetos, potato chips, pretzels, and whatever else the kids are eating that day.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/11/2006 :  08:43:53  Show Profile
IMHO, sending the cabin water into the bilge is something like sweeping the dirt under the rug. I have a dry bilge and prefer it that way. It's not an easy place to mop up water or sand etc. as the cabin sole is. A sponge and pail serves me well.

Val on Calista # 3936, Patchogue, N.Y.

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Frank Hopper
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Response Posted - 05/11/2006 :  10:04:42  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
I have very nice factory grey carpet and a Sears micro shop Vac, it stays in place, the hose is 12'.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/11/2006 :  11:48:52  Show Profile
Frank, do you really have a 25' boat?
Everytime I hear about an option, you have it.
I'm very suspicious because you still haven't explained where you keep your torpedoes.

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Frank Hopper
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Pitcairn Island
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Response Posted - 05/11/2006 :  12:48:27  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
Credo "If what you spent money on does not make you smile your wasted your money". Most people wonder if I own stock in UPS or Ebay. I really see things as systems and fixate on what would complete them. I have been "lucky" enough that the two 25s I have owned were both stock empty canvas'. It has allowed me to either add or replace a lot. It is great fun.

My Vacumn quest is not quite over. My old handheld used little filters that clogged over a weekend. This unit is blowing a very fine dust all over the shelf area. I do vacumn several times over a weekend, remember that I sleep on my boat several nights a week while it is in the water and clean carpet and clean upholstery is very important to feeling comfortable at night.

As an aside, over the years when I sell things they usually sell very quickly to people who know me. I have very limited money so I do have to be very careful about hobbies. When I first got into computers I had to leave sailing, there was not enough money for both. Computers are just appliances now and I am really glad to be back into sailing.

Edited by - Frank Hopper on 05/11/2006 12:53:01
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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/11/2006 :  15:32:22  Show Profile
I'm a ramblin' guy here...
Well put Frank. We spend as much time overnighting on our boat as we can. My Admiral is a teacher too. Looking forward to another summer at the lake. No cottage, just a little boat that makes us smile.
The fact that our little dog likes the boat too, makes us smile even more.

We are just about to use Airmiles to acquire a rechargable wet/dry handheld vac for our boat - because we have a dog that tracks in sand etc. A vac on a boat is a great idea. Especially since I have a dog that goes to bed before I do.
I don't know how much I've spent on this boat, and I'm not going to try to add it up...this boat came to us quite bare. The things we've added to it so far, are creature comforts, as opposed to sailing upgrades.
My reference to the torpedos was from about a year ago when someone asked about a 'button' in your cockpit, to which you responded that it was your torpedo button. Next to a vacuum cleaner, torpedos and a genoa are at the top of my must have list.
Last fall I removed the cabin floor boards to clean out the bilges - there were lots of dust bunnies but no sign of water. I think one of the best purchases we made, was the hallway runner carpet that we used for one season then threw away. It soaked up spillage, was kind to the feet and was easy to clean with a broom.
We had one water incident last summer, when a sink drain hose came loose, other than that, the only unwanted water in the boat came aboard with swimmers and the dog.
Sorry about the ramblin, but its thursday and a weekend with the boat is only one sleep away.

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