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As I understand it, the mast and boom were marked for the limits of the mainsail. My mast is down and I would like to remark it, there are no remnants of the original marking, if it was ever there. Would someone be able to measure from the top of their mast to the mark, assuming you have one and you have access, and tell me where the mark should go?
Rick - the marks are, as you note, for the limits of the mainsail. So, if your gooseneck doesn't float on the mast, then you measure from the top of the boom to the black band. If it does float, you put one band where the normal spot for the goose neck is and you measure from there.
This came from WYC:
# Sail Dimensions
1. Main Sail Max Leach 28.5’ Max Midgirth 6.17’ Max U-1/4 girth 3.61’ Foot 9.50’ Luff 26.5 ‘
So, you'd want your black band 26.5 feet from the top of the boom if fixed, or the gooseneck band if not.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.