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Bruce Ebling

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Initially Posted - 04/30/2006 :  12:47:22  Show Profile  Visit Bruce Ebling's Homepage
I don't know if anyone remembers me from last year. I had been a Catalina owner since 1985 and posted frequently to this forum. I still feel a strong fellowship to the people on this forum. This forum is still the best to be found anywhere!
Anyway last year I sold my 1989 C25 WK "Selah" to purchase a Cape Dory 25D. Our local resevoir was down for a year for repairs, so I had to wait until last Friday to launch my new boat. Attached are a few photos of the Cape Dory.

I just wanted to let everyone know how thrilled I am to explore and get to know my new boat. I still miss my Catalina - they are awesome boats, but the inboard diesel, full keel and standing headroom were hard to pass up. I hope everyone has a great sailing season this year and I will try to keep you guys posted on Selah's new adventures.
Fair Winds
Bruce Ebling
formerly 1989 C25 "Selah"

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Sea Trac
Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/30/2006 :  12:56:34  Show Profile
Hey Bruce,

Great to hear from you, and that's a beautiful new boat!

Fair winds,

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Response Posted - 04/30/2006 :  13:49:59  Show Profile
Sweet boat, Bruce. Yes, I do remember.
BTW, what reservoir are you slipped? I remember my thoughts that "'s a C25 like mine in Oregon. I wonder where they sail her? Maybe in four years when I retire from teaching my wife and I could move our C25 up there and sail the same place."
Why? My brother lives just north of Medford on the Rogue River (recently his basement was flooded during the big rain storms).
We are planning a travel trailer trip up there this summer and plan on going farther up to possibly Canada, God and gas willing, of course.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Virgin Islands (United Kingdom)
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Response Posted - 04/30/2006 :  18:50:01  Show Profile
Yes, Bruce, I remember you.

The CD25D is sure a pretty boat, I just love the classic lines...One of Carl Alberg's baby's!

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Bruce Ebling

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Response Posted - 04/30/2006 :  19:43:05  Show Profile  Visit Bruce Ebling's Homepage
Gary: I sail out of Fern Ridge Resevoir in Eugene, OR. The winds always blow there and there are many C25's where I berth. The resevoir is full from early April through early September. The lake is about 2 miles wide by 6 miles long. If you are ever up this way I would be glad to show you around!
Bruce Ebling

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/30/2006 :  19:57:38  Show Profile
Bruce... did they get the dam repaired at Fern Ridge???

I'll be in Eugene tomorrow afternoon (Monday) and again on Thursday.
Want some crew?

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Bruce Ebling

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Response Posted - 04/30/2006 :  20:56:12  Show Profile  Visit Bruce Ebling's Homepage
Bruce: The repairs on Fern Ridge were supposed to take anywhere from 3 years to 6 years. Somehow the Corp of Engineers got the repair of Fern Ridge to the #2 priority in the country. They finished the repairs in one year! As you know no sailor in his right mind would refuse an invite to go sailing. I am home about 4pm from work and can be at the lake in 20 minutes. If you are serious about dropping by I would be more than happy to sail with you. Call me at home 541-688-6872

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 04/30/2006 :  21:22:55  Show Profile
I should be pulling into Eugene mid-afternoon. I just tucked your phone number into my wallet!

In between Eugene stops I'll be in Tacoma, Washington. I should try and get in touch with Doug & Ruth (ex-Triska owners) and get a look at their new Formosa 51!

I'm counting down to my own Cruising Boat/Retirement boat purchase myself... T-minus 3 years.

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Response Posted - 05/01/2006 :  01:32:54  Show Profile
I'm in the midst of stealing your idea for cabinets for my boat. I'm modifying your plan somewhat, but your basic idea is what I'm using. I envy your new boat, they are really great. I'm going to try to make it to Fernridge on Memorial Day weekend to see my old Thistle. Maybe I'll run into you there.

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Bruce Ebling

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Response Posted - 05/01/2006 :  22:32:14  Show Profile  Visit Bruce Ebling's Homepage
Hey just want to let everyone know that Bruce Bott aka "ClamBeach" came for a visit today! We had a wonderful sail across Fern Ridge Resevoir with blustery winds and Bruce at the helm. I would only trust another Catalina sailor with my beloved Cape Dory. Bruce is a great guy and I hope that he and other sailors will come and sail here in Oregon.

Bruce Ebling
1982 Cape Dory 25D

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Frank Hopper
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Response Posted - 05/02/2006 :  07:43:03  Show Profile  Visit Frank Hopper's Homepage
Hi Bruce,
What a nice thread. Thanks for posting, please do it more often.

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Dave Bristle
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Response Posted - 05/03/2006 :  10:40:36  Show Profile
Love those Alberg designs--I almost bought a CD-26 (essentially the outboard version of the 25D, with a lazerette for the outboard) instead of my C-25. The C-25 maneuvered and fit better in the club we belonged to then. Where I live now, I wish I had the Cape Dory.

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Charlie Vick

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Response Posted - 05/03/2006 :  11:55:19  Show Profile
I think you two just answered the question "the function of this association" rather well.

And Bruce congratulations on your new girl.

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Master Marine Consultant

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Response Posted - 05/04/2006 :  16:00:45  Show Profile
Indeed it was a beautiful sail on Fern Ridge. A thousand thanks to Bruce for the opportunity. It was only the second time out for him with his new girl, but he gave me the helm and mainsheet and said to enjoy... and boy did I. Came home with a big grin on my face and slept like a log that night.

Bruce's Cape Dory is a classic and very 'proper' little ship. She's stable, tracks like an arrow, has a comfortable cockpit and is well-mannered. IMHO: The Yanmar inboard is icing on the cake. No lifting, lowering, reaching over the transom... and the rythmic thump thump below the deck reinforces the notion that this is a bluewater vessel.

Given Bruces' woodworking abilities, I have a feeling we will soon see some photos of custom cabinetry and other enhancements to the interior as there is tremendous potential there for customizing.

I was also impressed with Fern Ridge as a sailing venue... nice open water, usually a good breeze (especially the day we were there) quality facilities and a pretty impressive lineup of sailboats in the marina. It's about a 6 hour tow up there, but I just might drag my C25 up later this summer to get in some warm water sailing.

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Response Posted - 05/04/2006 :  20:06:10  Show Profile
So is the Cape Dory in anyway related to Catalinas, other that this owner 'used to be' one of us?

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