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Thank you for posting the pictures! I really enjoyed looking at them.
I AM confused about one thing though - the tack of your mainsail connects to the gooseneck with that hook, right? But then it appears that your gooseneck is bolted to the mast. So how do you downhaul? I didn't see any provision for that. Thanks in advance for your reply, and congratulations on a beautiful boat. :)
The Boom uses a fixed goosneck that bolts to the mast with 6 bolts or screws. There is a tack for the foot of the sale, that is between the boom and mast attached to the gooseneck, there is a cunningham hook, as well as a cunningham cringe in the sail, this allows me to adjust the shape of the luff of the sail. there are two reefing hooks also on the gooseneck, I have a single reefing line hookup on the end of the boom , So all you have to do is relaese the main halyard, pull on the reefing line put the reefing cringe in the reffing hook and reajust the tention on the halyard. All of this can be done in 45 seconds.
The short answer to Jaime's question is that there is no downhaul on the Capri. The Cunningham and halyard control luff tension. Those hooks are for reefing.
Notice: The advice given on this site is based upon individual or quoted experience, yours may differ. The Officers, Staff and members of this site only provide information based upon the concept that anyone utilizing this information does so at their own risk and holds harmless all contributors to this site.