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 Defender Spring Sale this year?

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Voyager Posted - 05/24/2023 : 06:40:44
In the past, Defender Industries’ big spring sale was a major event of the year. With their new owners, is this a thing of the past or is it still as yet unannounced?
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Stinkpotter Posted - 06/10/2023 : 15:22:51
Defender tends to beat WM's sale prices with their regular prices--particularly useful to me since Defender is about 15 minutes away (WM is about 2 minutes). Due to a major remodel under their new ownership, their big "warehouse sale" was done online at about the usual dates. The store is open now--I want to get over there soon to see what they did over six months or whatever. I got a couple of PFDs from WM last year because they had the features I was looking for, they were on sale, and Defender didn't have something comparable in stock.
bigelowp Posted - 06/10/2023 : 05:46:46
West Marine has been having sales on inflatable PFD's and if you hit it when they offer triple point or 4x points even better. Currently Mustang Survival is 30% off. I expect the West brand will go on sale again before July 4th.
Voyager Posted - 05/27/2023 : 22:02:24
Steve, thank you for posting this. We have a brick and mortar BPS in the area, so I plan to put it on my shopping list. Only thing is it says Bass Pro Shop on the vest. I guess that you end up paying either way.
Steve Milby Posted - 05/26/2023 : 07:10:17
Here's another one at Bass Pro Shop.
Steve Milby Posted - 05/25/2023 : 04:31:47
Check Bass Pro shop. I bought one last year. Here's a link.
Voyager Posted - 05/24/2023 : 20:16:01
Apparently, the Defender Spring Sale took place at the end of March and beginning of April. This is a lot earlier than usual, however, they’ve been having a regular series of sales of specific categories of products.
I’m looking for a few inflatable near shore PFDs and I’m seeing prices between $100 and $150 for them. I’ve seen them on sale for $10 or $20 less.
If you have any leads please let me know.

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