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 Outhaul replacement

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HappyNow Posted - 04/01/2023 : 08:29:44
I’d like to replace my Outhaul line this year. I’ve never pulled the wire out far enough to see how it attaches to the line, and the boat is in storage now. Does anyone know how the wire attaches to the line? Also, the manual says the wire is 24 feet and the line is 17 feet. Is that correct? Also, halyard length is listed as 65 feet, but Catalina Direct replacements are 75 feet. Is 65 feet the correct length? Thinking of going with 5/16 Sta-set for the halyards. Any thoughts on Sta-set?
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HappyNow Posted - 05/23/2023 : 10:15:34
Thanks everybody. I just spoke to Catalina Direct and they agreed with Jacob that I’d have to take both boom end caps off. They can make a new Outhaul once they have the dimensions of the old one. I don’t need the whole kit with the extra blocks that they sell. Since it’s not an emergency, I’m going to wait until fall to do this when I take the boom off, and will update the post about what I find then.
Jacob Posted - 05/22/2023 : 09:18:04
This is a link to a replacement for the original outhaul system inside the boom. The original is a 2:1 and this replacement is an 8:1. So it is different but I imagine some similar type of system. If this is correct, there's no way you could let it come far enough out to replace the wire or line. I think the boom end cap or endcaps will have to come off, and the boom be disassembled.
JB Posted - 05/22/2023 : 07:18:10
I've never done mine. You may have to remove the boom end cap or slide an inspection camera in one the sheave slots.
Steve Milby Posted - 05/18/2023 : 15:22:06
I don't own a C250, but, when I want to replace a halyard, I sew a piece of light line to the old halyard and pull out the old halyard, pulling the light line through. Then you can measure the length of the old halyard and replace it with a new one of the exact same length. Sew the new halyard to the light line and pull it through.

I wonder if you could attach a piece of light line to either the wire end or rope end of your outhaul, and pull the other end out until the light line comes out. Then you could replace either the wire or the rope, and then use the light line to pull them back in place.
HappyNow Posted - 05/18/2023 : 11:28:30
Surprised I didn’t get an answer to this so I’m asking again. Launched yesterday and tried to pull the Outhaul out further to see the attachment, but I pulled it out as far as the line would allow without losing it inside the boom, and still couldn’t see how the wire attaches to the line or how to replace it. Anyone have any experience with this?

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