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 Swap Meet
 FOUND - Catalina 250 WB

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
crystal_blue Posted - 03/29/2023 : 18:11:33
I saw my first Catalina 250 at a boat show in California when I was about 18. Now, after twenty-five years (including sixteen years of lurking on this forum), a wedding, a college degree, a law degree, six kids, three car loans, two mortgages, and a delightful vacation some years back where I got to meet forum member, gentleman, scholar, and Mystic port captain extraordinaire Dave Bristle--I am finally in the market for a boat of my own.

If you happen to be aware of any listings for a gently-used Catalina 250 water ballast with wheel steering and trailer, please feel free to pass it on to me! I'm in Utah but am looking pretty much anywhere west of the Mississippi River.

12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
zeil Posted - 05/31/2023 : 09:00:05

Congratulations Crystal Blue with your "find".

Thanks to our Catalina International Association, the boat was located and "found", on this forum

crystal_blue Posted - 05/27/2023 : 19:21:24
I believe I've found one, folks; thanks for all the help and resources! Details forthcoming . . .
GaryB Posted - 05/15/2023 : 15:59:16
Try this website. People from all over the country sell boats on this site despite it's name.
crystal_blue Posted - 04/19/2023 : 11:53:27
Thanks, folks! I have been overseas and missed these posts earlier; but your watchful eyes are very much appreciated. :-)

Russ.Johnson Posted - 04/10/2023 : 19:49:11
Hi Jim,

Here’s a post on the Swap Meet.
It’s a 2006, C250 Wing-Keel in Loveland, CO
Hull 874 with a trailer.
Also with a marine head (not a port-a-potty)
This is one of last years built.

Stinkpotter Posted - 04/09/2023 : 09:57:22
Correction: I just looked at the photos--it's a wing. I don't know what that means to you... As I recall, the WK has about 5" more headroom below and is reported to be "stiffer." But I can't recommend this as a way to buy a sailboat (sight unseen, no survey contingency, etc.).
Stinkpotter Posted - 04/09/2023 : 09:42:16
Jim: Check this posting. No evidence of whether it's a wing keel or WB, but it has a trailer (maybe a clue) and it's not far away...
GaryB Posted - 03/31/2023 : 17:42:41
Originally posted by Stinkpotter

I remember, and am humbled, Jim... There is a special collective character to this community that is why I keep lurking here and will continue as "Port Captain" until somebody offers to replace me. That character is a key feature of these boats, and I'm confident it will be enhanced by your joining in. Best of luck!

Dave... you're irreplaceable!

Ain't nobody gonna come along and offer to replace you. You're stuck with us and we're blessed to have you!
crystal_blue Posted - 03/31/2023 : 17:40:41
Thanks, Henk; I’ve emailed you.

Dave, good to hear from you; and thanks tor the kind words! We fondly remember our trip to Mystic, much thanks to you!
crystal_blue Posted - 03/31/2023 : 17:28:14
Thanks, Henk; I’ve emailed you.

Dave, good to hear from you; and thanks tor the kind words! We fondly remember our trip to Mystic, much thanks to you!
Stinkpotter Posted - 03/30/2023 : 19:52:10
I remember, and am humbled, Jim... There is a special collective character to this community that is why I keep lurking here and will continue as "Port Captain" until somebody offers to replace me. That character is a key feature of these boats, and I'm confident it will be enhanced by your joining in. Best of luck!
zeil Posted - 03/30/2023 : 07:38:06

If interested contact us...(We've sent you a note by e-mail)

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