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 Catalina 25 Tillers for sale- SOLD

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bjoye Posted - 02/12/2023 : 09:10:51
Catalina 25 Tiller for sale, used one season, with new heavy duty straps, bedded, ready for use.
And wait, there's more: a second, used backup tiller, restored, also with straps, bedded, ready for use. $120 Shipping included.

11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
keats Posted - 03/08/2023 : 08:06:42
GaryB Posted - 03/07/2023 : 18:54:53
Originally posted by keats

Sent a message.

Have not received any emails. Please send to 21sorrento at gmail dot com
keats Posted - 03/02/2023 : 16:54:02
Sent a message.
GaryB Posted - 03/02/2023 : 15:46:15
Sorry for yhe slow response.

I'll take it if it's still available.
keats Posted - 02/28/2023 : 10:29:30
Here is the "second" tiller I generously received from Bill Joye. (also pictured above) It is used but in very solid and servicable condition and has been refinished. Would definitely work for someone who doesn't want to pay full price for new.

GaryB expressed some interest so has first right but, after that, free to first taker who wants to pay shipping. I calculated about $40 from California to East Coast using my discounted UPS rates.
keats Posted - 02/24/2023 : 15:41:01

Since Bill Joye is sending me two for the cost of shipping, I will extend his offer to you on one of them. If you want.

I'll take a look at them when I get them next week and let you know cost to ship one to TX.
GaryB Posted - 02/22/2023 : 15:51:24
Darn, just saw this post. Mine broke and I need a new one ASAP.
keats Posted - 02/18/2023 : 08:10:56
Just answered Bill
bjoye Posted - 02/18/2023 : 06:13:02

I’ve tried to contact you. I need your address. Send via email
bigelowp Posted - 02/17/2023 : 20:06:53
Wow, snooze and lose -- wish I had checked earlier!
keats Posted - 02/17/2023 : 14:08:51
I will take. Let me know how to pay, PayPal?


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