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 Former members?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
islander Posted - 01/22/2023 : 16:43:01
It appears to me that there seems to be many "Former Members" who use this forum. I'm starting to think why do I bother sending in my dues.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Voyager Posted - 01/28/2023 : 18:41:35
Many, many thanks Russ. I was confident that things would work out well.
Commodore Posted - 01/26/2023 : 18:20:22
Hi Scott and Bruce,

Yes, you are correct, the number of Forum users marked as "Former Members" was incorrect.
The Forum status is linked to the Membership status in the Members Area.
Each quarter, we process the PayPal payments and send to Mainsheet a list of current members.
Next, we take those payments and match to each member then update the Membership Date in the Members Area.

This quarter, the PayPal invoices were sent late.
As Bruce has noted he paid on Jan-9. This was the day after the PayPal invoices were submitted (thank you Bruce).
The Mainsheet address list was sent by the deadline (Bruce you are included).
Updating the Membership Date in the Members Area was delayed.
Today, I've completed updating those members.

We also had a volunteer who retired from volunteering, after a few years that happens.
Thank you to both of you for your continued support and I'm glad to hear someone noticed.

Thanks Again,
Russ Johnson
Voyager Posted - 01/22/2023 : 21:35:30
More data: according to my PayPal acct, I made an automatic payment of US$22.00 on January 9, invoice #2465, so I should be a fully paid up member in good standing.
As might be the case with a volunteer organization, there’s not a person just waiting for inbound accounts receivables to be posted, so it’s likely that my membership status could simply take some time to be updated.
Voyager Posted - 01/22/2023 : 21:18:58
Hmmm, Scott — you make a good point. It looks like I’m an offender. As I recall, my billing anniversary has always been February, so it’s possible that my membership has lapsed in the past month. I usually renewed by check by mail, however, now it’s all done by PayPal. Timing is everything.
Whatever the particulars, I’m still a proponent of membership in this fine organization. Glad you made me aware of this.

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