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 Replacement Mast

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LT_Smash Posted - 10/31/2022 : 10:53:09
Lost the mast yesterday. Cause unknown as of now.

Might not be repairable so looking for leads for a replacement. I'm guessing a new spar is too much to justify so looking for alternatives.

Does anybody know of
(1) a mast for sale? I know, slim chances.
(2) a CP25 for sale or heading to the scrapyard?
(3) if any other boats use the same extrusion
(4) any other info that could help

Thank in advance,

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
GaryB Posted - 07/18/2023 : 19:44:14
Might try this place if you're still looking.
DavidCrosby Posted - 02/12/2023 : 10:26:24
If you are still looking for a mast, I just saw this on Facebook Market place. Capri 25 mast and boom for sale $1,000 in Evanston, IL.
zeil Posted - 12/15/2022 : 16:24:18

Yes... just south of the border in the USA. Just now I don't recall the name of it but will search...
Voyager Posted - 12/15/2022 : 11:45:20
I wonder whether there are any sailboat salvage yards out your way? With Seattle, Vancouver and the NW coastal waters, and lots of old Catalinas around, you could get lucky!
zeil Posted - 12/14/2022 : 15:57:51

and... the company being located in Canada you may get the benefit of $CAN...
Heartbeat Posted - 12/14/2022 : 14:00:11
Well, I talked to a guy with a Capri 25 that dismasted his back in the early 2000s. I remembered this post and asked him where he bought the new extrusion. He said 'claco in Hamilton, ON.' I did a quick search and came up with this: Not sure if it's the right shop, but maybe? The guy said they had the Capri 25 extrusion in stock (at the time) and all they needed to do was cut it to length. YMMV

I gotta say this line sounds very promising: "We can bring in any extrusion."

LT_Smash Posted - 11/01/2022 : 11:16:56
Thank you Joe, that is helpful information

Not sure yet and have called Catalina Direct for info, but based on the slot and slide in each I believe the Kenyon section is the boom and the Davis section is the mast

joearcht Posted - 10/31/2022 : 11:17:09
I also have this mast in my notes, not sure if it is interchangeable or maybe the original mast.

Hope this is not more confusing, but it gives you a starting point.

joearcht Posted - 10/31/2022 : 11:11:02
I determined some years ago that the mast section was a Kenyon 3350 MORC based on observation and measurements.
I do not claim to be an expert on these matters so don't hold me to this fact, but this is where I would start.

Documentation may be buried somewhere in the "Manuals & Brochures" section of this website.
Catalina Direct may be able to answer this question also.

Good Luck,

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