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 Members Area - Website Errors

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Commodore Posted - 06/27/2024 : 06:29:35
Thank you to the Association Members who have contacted me regarding the recent website errors.

The Members Area of the website was displaying an error message.
I have been working with the website hosting company to fix this issue.
Today, June-27 the errors have been fixed.

Note: The Association Forum has been working properly throughout this process.

The details:
The errors started after the website hosting company upgraded to a new operating system version to install a security update.
After the upgrade, several related components, which the Members Area uses stopped working.
Those components were no longer compatible with the new OS version.
After working with the website hosting company, new versions of all components were installed.
This took several attempts to work through all the errors.
These updates were not something a "web developer" could install, but could only be installed my the website hosting company technical support team.

Thank you for your patience and I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
You can always contact me directly by using the email below.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Voyager Posted - 06/29/2024 : 08:53:08
Likewise, a big Thank You to you Russ for keeping the website up and the vendor delivering the goods.
I greatly appreciate the work you do!
Buzz Maring Posted - 06/27/2024 : 07:32:16
As always, THANK YOU, Russ ...

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