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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Commodore Posted - 01/30/2018 : 09:32:06
The Association takes pride in offering this forum to all users.
We believe by having a public forum the users will see immediate value and hopefully become a paid member.

Unfortunately, public forums have their own set of problems.
Complaints regarding the forum are usually in 2 areas.

1) Invalid forum users
These users usually have links to websites trying to sell you something.

2) Inappropriate forum posts
Forum posts or e-mails that are inapproprite in nature.

If you would like to report a complaint about a forum user or a forum post you can:
A) Reply to this topic (preferred) but any forum user can read your reply.
B) Send an e-mail to me by clicking on the Commodore link on the left.

Remember, all association officers are volunteers and I will do my best to respond.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Voyager Posted - 10/10/2024 : 06:59:25
Thank you Russ, they seem to like the swap meet. ???
Commodore Posted - 10/09/2024 : 22:07:55
Hi Bruce,
I've given special attention to our new friends.
Please keep up the good work.
Voyager Posted - 09/04/2024 : 06:09:05
Hi Russ - the Russian spam army appears to have hit the forum with a weird message in the swap meet. Mostly garage with a .ru website embedded. Should be deleted along with user AllaustaPr

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